Zam hose


This is the hose off of my little vaccuum cleaner. The "shark" vaccuums, the ones you see at like sams club or costco and tv... But it gets costly. I thought mebbe this might work for a helm hose, but not the belly hose. It doesn't have the rubber look though.
Well just arrived today the hose for Zam on the chest armor.

<img src=>

i altered your pic - let's try to keep future pix reasonably sized ;) - dcb
size is nice.. but those ribs are not so good - i don't like thethickness and roundess of 'em:( I've seen better ones all the time at thrift stores on portable mini spas.... (not perfect - but better)...
You guys are right, it does appear to be more like a bendy straw.
Sorry! I never intended to mislead anyone on it, only figured it would be a close substitute and if the correct one wasn't found it'd work just fine. :)

Hey man, no problem, yours is pretty darn close. It will help me to finish sculpting my hose connectors anyway. No misleading done ;)
Edit**Oh, before you pic up one Dallas, a quick measurement with my trusty new calipers. Measurement between the ribs on the cardboard cut out is 1/2" so the inner "creases" are 1/4" from ea. rib. Just wanna clarify for everyone still out there helping us to find the perfect HOSE for the stomach area...
found a hose at a thrift tonight... still not perfect - but the best so far...


it's 1" diameter and has a the "embedded spring" like Zam.... but no ridge between the grooves... :facepalm

This is still the BEST i've found so far - and if i only find this one - i will be satisfied w/ it until the real stuff is found (not 100% happy - but satisfied).

oh - the bad news - there is only just enough to make one (and i really have to be careful... as it's just enough - after i cut off the ends to expose the little bit that is inside them)

MaulMaus wrote:

Zam I Am wrote:

Dont forget the purchasing suspenders, the buttons, painting the hoses, There's a LOT more than just the suit and vest. Chestplating, etc.

*slaps forehead* Oh man.... ;)

BTW did we ever figure out what kind of hoses those are? Should I cannibalize my vaccuum cleaner? What kind of paint would even stick to that stuff?

I don't even want to think about the chestplating! :eek: I'm still trying to get the lacing to be longer than 24" *but hey... at least I'm doing better than the 2" scrap lace I was cutting before! ;) *
DO NOT cannabalize your vaccuum hose. The inner diameter must be 1" or things won't work out. IE, it won't connect to the lower front armour ;) I used MonCal's hoses. My guess is as good as anyone elses on the paint. Mine is peeling slightly.
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Thanks! *vaccuum cleaner breathes a sigh of relief!* ;)

Okay MonCal... fess up! Where'd you get the hoses?

ZIA - what kind of paint did you use? Has it held up pretty well until now?
As promised.
Sorry I didn't get these up sooner.
In another thread I had mentioned the hose ZamIam used. It isn't completely accurate but it is a nice hose and fits her belly armor pieces very nicely. I have two places near me that carry them. It is a Washing machine drain hose. If y'all need one I could pick one up. I don't remember the cost....probably about $8.00 plus shipping....somewhere in that ball park. Anyway, these are old pics I had up further in this thread from a couple years ago :)




EDIT 1/20/05: fixin pics ;)
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Hmm.... I really don't remember seeing those pics before... could be old age setting in.. or all that glue I've been using recently... ;)

When I had my washer repaired... I thought that the hose might be useful.. :rolleyes

Thanks for the offer MonCal! But since I now know what I'm looking for - being a visual person - I can pick that up locally and save you a trip to the store and the post office. Still on the lookout for a closer match though....
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