Zam hose

I will ask my cousin, she's a nurse., I am surprised they went to a medical hoses to make this out fit. I would think vacuum hoses would be the first thing that they would go for.
Welll I am still attemptng to get a better match. What I have found so far is missing the vinal seam between each coil. I am not giving up here.

Dallas: It seems the only place to get the hose ends you found is Oz is from a Oz hardware store. There is no US supplyer I have found of this itemand none of the US hose timers are even close.
I am glad that you made contacts down there...I thought you didn't have anyone down there that you knew. I will be crossing my fingers.
i just PM'd him to see if he could pick up a dozen of them. Like i said- i bought all at the store i went to - but perhaps they have more in the back room. We'll see what he says.
YOU ARE THE COOLEST! Does he live there? He could just go to the site and order. Then, they could ship it to his house, and then ship it to you or someone to distribute.
Ok a little update on my search for the percect Zam hose. I am positive that it is not Medical hose now as I once thought. I have spoke with a friend and she is damned sure it is a Vaccume hose. I am going to run down that road a little while I also was watching some Auto Raceing on Speed Channel and took notice of a air hose hooked up to a drivers helmet that was very similar so I will go look into that as well. Well just thought I would pass along my ideas and the air hose from raceing would be about 1 inch diameter.
i have determined without any doubt that the O.D. of said hose must be 1". I finally took apart my gardenmate. The hole inside that piece is exactly 1 inch. I also held the garden mate up to the life sized cardboard stand up and that matches up - and the hose on that is also 1 inch. The stand-up is exactly 5'6" and my sources tell me that that is the height of Leeanna. So there you go :)

Later today (after i get some more ink for my printer) I'm going to print out some of my full body shots from MOM and other sources at actual size :D

oh, and i ALMOST found the hose last night at my favorite thrift store. It was white, had metal coil, and has the seams between each ring. Only problem - it was about 1.5" OD... drats.... This was on some sort of ladies beauty product. Like a hair dryer or something.. not sure what it was. The search continues...
I know I said I was going to take pics of this hose in October :D
I took some today. This is a hose I found last fall at a plumbing supply store. It is pretty close. I'm not saying it's "the right stuff" but close :) It's labeled as 1" hose on the package but it measures 1 1/8" O.D. of the ribs and approx. 1" in between the ribs. It's very flexible. enjoy:



WOW! you got your stand up pretty fast too ;) YOU've been holding out on us with that hose, ya hoser!!! Heheh. Man that hose is pretty darn close. Do you think it will fit the 1" connectors? that 1/8" inch rib... i hope that it does..
i think it should fit the connectors fine... IIRC - the hose is 1" - but that wasn't going the full diameter of the ribs... more like 1" in between the ribs...

Also... i THINK that the hose on the back of her helmet is the same stuff that she has on her belly... i haven't confirmed this yet - but I'm still looking! It's hard to tell the true size of the helmet hose - because the under brim is alway hanging over half of it in the pix i have.
I will be makeing a run past a plumbing supply stroe to try and find this hose and test fit to the connertor I have nearly ready.

zam i am wrote:

WOW! you got your stand up pretty fast too ;) YOU've been holding out on us with that hose, ya hoser!!! Heheh. Man that hose is pretty darn close. Do you think it will fit the 1" connectors? that 1/8" inch rib... i hope that it does..

That standup did come extra fast. After you got yours, I found one online and ordered it. No idea why I hadn't ordered one before. Amazingly though, when I made my own blown up zam last fall, it is almost exactly the same size, within 1/8" :D

:D hoser huh? :D I know...I'm sorry! I totally forgot to take pics of it until I happened to glance down at it today.

I haven't scaled it to figure out how long I need but I bet it's long enough for two zam outfits.
Since it's 1" in between the ribs and very flexible, I'm pretty sure it'll work but I wish I had a connector to make absolutely sure it fits ;)

If you guys want me to, I can probably pick up a couple more. I don't remember but I think they're like $8.00.
I looked through my register and I paid $6.70 in Sept. After scaling the pic, I think 20" is approx. what we need and half of one hose would give us about 26"
so all together its, 52"? 26" divided by two, you approximating about 13" per side? Oh, and don't forget, if the helmet needs a hose, then... well you know...
By the way the ribs look good, but do you think they put duct tape over it or something to make it less of a curve per rib?

Edit** after looking really closely, the helmut hose is totally a different hose. Black and totally like a regular black ribbed vacuum hose. But it does look like a older hose tho'. Mebbe it's just the lighting.
It looks like about 10" per side will be plenty. I scaled this from the bottom of the hose connector to the end of the hose cover thingy where it meets the abdomen piece.

As for a different type of hose on the helmet, I'm not sure. It could be the same hose. If it scales the same, it might be. Although it almost looks like something that should be pretty soft against the back of the neck...more rubbery?

Dallas might have more of an idea on both of these issues. :)

zam i am wrote:

Actually, it does look like a type of car hose I've seen before. BTW, what do you think of my duct tape idea?
duct tape would show texture and edges and would not hold paint well- i'm pretty sure this is not duct taped

Dustin Crops Boy wrote:

This was on some sort of ladies beauty product. Like a hair dryer or something.. not sure what it was. The search continues...
My mom is a beautician and I think I know what hose you are talking about. She has an old hair dryer and if I recall correctly, it had a ribbed hose attachement. I'll take a picture of it tonight and measure the diameter. :)

Dustin Crops Boy wrote:

zam i am wrote:

Actually, it does look like a type of car hose I've seen before. BTW, what do you think of my duct tape idea?
duct tape would show texture and edges and would not hold paint well- i'm pretty sure this is not duct taped
OOOps big mistake, I meant black electrical tape... duh. I hate it when I can visualize something but can't get the right words for it...
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