Boots Looking for Zam Wesell Boots!!


New Hunter
Hey Everyone! I am looking for a pair of boots for my fiancee's Zam in Size US 6/EU 38 (US Women's 7.5). If anyone happens to see one, or has a pair they aren't using anymore please let me know! I am keeping an eye out but I thought I'd ask here as well. I can spend up to $200, but I'm hoping to find a cheaper pair lol
I thought I saw them on crowprops when I bought my Jango shoes there. Might be worth a look. My guess is they will be probably $200 if they have them.
Hey there,
my wife has an extra pair with her Zam. However, the replacement pair is not the 100% correct Prada shoe, but is a very similar Prada pair to the originals.
It is an EU size 36.

If you are interested please PM


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