2021 Zam Build WIP

ECCC - I had to look that up. Emerald City Comic Con huh? A fellow resident of the greater King County area? I really need to get more in tune with events round here. I had NO idea this was even here. I live in Snoqualmie, WA, which is about a 25 min ride into Seattle. It may be too late, but I should try and get tickets.

Also, your updates look fantastic! Keep up the awesome work!

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I agree with BudaFett , in that the trigger looks to be good to go. I can't recall if your intent was to go 501st with your Zam costume, but you should know that 501st's CRL doesn't even specify that the trigger needs weathering. To my eyes, the trigger on the below CRL photo doesn't look all that different than yours.


Also, truly outstanding job on your paint work - that silver looks like legit metal! Also you mention...
And my husband is currently printing the two little greeblies for the back, but super thrilled with how this turned out despite it being 3D printed.
Just doing a stare and compare between the two, only difference I see is this....

But that's also me not knowing what a Zam pistol looks like, there may very well be that greeblie on the other side of the pistol. Unfortunately the 501st CRL doesn't show the other side.

My two cents anyway.

Irongladiator Appreciate the feedback. I used to be in the 501st and I don’t plan on rejoining with this costume, partially for the CRL issues. The blaster detail you noted is something that I’ve only seen one other person catch on the original model. That greeblie is only on the left side, barely visible in a few promotion shots.

There are a few things I've had to cut corners on (like painting the shins instead of wrapping them in leather) just to get it all done before ECCC, but I intend to go back and fix those things before Celebration next year. Striving as much as I possibly can to get it as close to the movie version!
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Well, it looks really, really good. You should definitely be proud of your work. Since you’ve told me about ECCC, I was able to acquire tickets for me and my daughter to go on Saturday. Maybe I’ll see ya there. It’s my very first Con. I’ll be in my ROTJ Fett! My wife didn’t wanna come cause she thinks it is a dork-fest. Hahaha! I’m beginning a Boushh build for my 10 year old daughter! She’s super excited!

Well, it looks really, really good. You should definitely be proud of your work. Since you’ve told me about ECCC, I was able to acquire tickets for me and my daughter to go on Saturday. Maybe I’ll see ya there. It’s my very first Con. I’ll be in my ROTJ Fett! My wife didn’t wanna come cause she thinks it is a dork-fest. Hahaha! I’m beginning a Boushh build for my 10 year old daughter! She’s super excited!

Awesome! I’ll be there Saturday too.

Feels crazy to see it all together, but it’s 95% done. I’ve finished up all the small details and have done a few test fits. Today I am making the armatures for the binoculars and will be molding up the toe spikes soon. Then all I have left is to sew the veil. I have all the remaining parts and materials I need, so I’m feeling confident about my 3 week deadline!!!
Mesa follow!
Thats some pretty impressive progress, TheDorkyDiva ! Respect!
And I dont know if it has been mentioned already, but, if thaty you in the profile pic, even that matches Zam somewhat! Im eager to see the finished build!

Thank you all! I finished up the veil last night. My eyes are a lot darker than the actress that played Zam so I’d like to get colored contacts before Celebration, but I probably won’t have that in time for the convention here in December. I’m looking forward to doing my makeup similar to hers in the movie.

I need to make some adjustments on the brim of my helmet and then the armatures can get finished this week and put together!

I had a freak out moment yesterday because Disney/Marvel teased a new comic landing in February and Zam is on the cover with Aurra Sing. So excited that she is getting more of a story!

Something i noticed when painting the set i did a while back was that the purple wash you did on the waist greebs was on most all the pieces and has faded since then when looking at the suit now...
Something i noticed when painting the set i did a while back was that the purple wash you did on the waist greebs was on most all the pieces and has faded since then when looking at the suit now...
That’s interesting! I know almost everything on the original suit has faded by now. I’ve been trying to replicate the suit from the original promo photos, but it’s hard to see a lot of the details in those photos. I may have to go back and add that purple wash on other pieces.
That’s interesting! I know almost everything on the original suit has faded by now. I’ve been trying to replicate the suit from the original promo photos, but it’s hard to see a lot of the details in those photos. I may have to go back and add that purple wash on other pieces.
In the dressing a gallaxy gallery you can see the gaunts have the wash and in the power of the costumes website you can see some more of it on other parts. Most of the silver if not all had it from what I can tell. The photos from everyones old cameras and the lighting in the areas the costume is displayed in dont help any here. But if you look close you can see the purple wash on most everywhere in some of the close up pics. I had an aha moment when i started noticing it on the less obvious parts.
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