Zam Greeblie Sets, Available now. Updated 5/5/15

Glad you like them. They are actually better than the first runs i did due to casting them from the actual finished zam parts for jamies costume! If you need any info or help finishing them feel free to email your questions directly to me at my personal email,
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I have two sets left for immediate shipment. I also will be willing to make a new batch if those are sold. Payment info is in the thread. Be sure to attach shipping info
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Hey JDFett,
WOOOHOOOOOO the greeblies of you, I have just received !!!
And they looks awesome,great craftmanship,great Work !!!
It has taken a while longer to germany,but the wait was worth it !!!
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Appreciate the comments too...since I built the Zam I have really taken a lot of pride in the costume. Jamies Zam and my Jango were the pinnacle of my costuming experience.

I still have a couple sets left. These two sets were casted in white and gray pieces. The gray helps hide scratches while trooping but I stopped using the color when molding them because it took far longer for the molds to set. These 2 sets are ready to ship now. Again, now that the molds are new..I can pull more sets from them. If anyone wants these sets...get them now before the molds deteriorate cause I doubt ill do another recast in the future.

2 sets complete and available now, will take orders for more.
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Still have two sets left for shipment. If they go and there are other interests...more can be made but it will take a little time to order more supplies and cast more sets
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I still have two sets as stated in last post. same cost as in the thread. I will also be glad to start a new run if anyone is interested. As I always said before, I need at least 5 zammers who want the sets to complete a new run due to cost of materials to make the sets. For now, last two sets from previous run, first come first serve, and by that I mean first to pay with an email and address gets them. I will not hold them for anyone as I have had numerous folks ask about them recently.
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Just an update...I got backordered on the casting material I use...paid for it and then just found out its back ordered about 2 weeks. When I get the product I'll have the sets made up. I ordered more due to three wanting my last two available sets and I hate not providing for the zammers out there.

If there are others looking for these parts, contact me at and let me know. I will take first come first serve for these new kits. Cost is $175 shipped anywhere in the US Mainland, $185 anywhere else.

- - - Updated - - -

also... a lot of the folks who have purchased these parts have been asking me what next....once they get them. You can find all the answers to how I did the assembly and painting of my parts in my original zam build thread found here
hard to believe that was 8 years ago this month!
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I recently made more sets. I currently have 5 complete set available for shipment right now for $175 shipped anywhere in the continental US. Extra shipping applies for international and Hawaii.
I also have 1- 4 piece ovary bit set as well available for $50, shipped as above.
Email me if interested at
Please remember these new sets do not include the brooch as mentioned before
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just to eloborate...the ovary bit set was an extra cast I did with the left over resin, but it normaly comes with the complete set as well. Also one order purchased from remaining sets. 4 left, first come first serve.
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