Zam Greeblie Sets, Available now. Updated 5/5/15

List is updated and I will start taking funds on these. I finally finished my move and I am ready to get this project underway. If you are ordering outside the US, please add an additional 10 dollars to the 175 to cover additional fees. I will re order the names as the payments come in as first come first serve. When I get the payment I will add "PAID #1, #2, #3, ect" after your name so you know how you stand in the order of shipment. Please remember I need to recast the molds, order the product to cast them, wait for that to come in and then pour the resin copies prior to shipping. Once I get 5 full paid funds, I will order the product and then begin casting the molds and pouring the copies as soon as i get the product. Be patient as I am not sure of the complete turnaround but i will not delay anytime getting it done as soon as i get the products needed! Payment is $175 in the US $185 outside the US. Also please in addition to posting "Payment Sent" on this forum to ensure your place on the list, email me ( ) with your contact information and shipping address so i know where to send them when they are finished.

This is current as of 06/19/2014

Required for run!

1. Kahna *PAID* *SHIPPED*
3. Michelle4084 *PAID* *SHIPPED*
5. sopela123 *PAID* *SHIPPED*

Additional orders

1. acetimide *PAID* *SHIPPED*
2. beyora
3. flygirl
4. DZ7339
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list updated! as soon as 5 people pay Ill get this remains in a holding status in case of unfortunatel run cancel and refund. Talk to your fellow zammers who signed up and get them going so we can this off the ground and not have to issue refunds!
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List again updated...we got four paid. This run will stay available as well until i post "closed taking no more orders".

I have Marc and Charity's address email. If michelle and CDVM85 have sent an address email, i may have deleted it by accident. Can you guys resend or send me the address email!

thanks...Gettign closer to a start on this!
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I am Charity... lol. So do you still need my address email? Or do I need to resend it?
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Actually Charity, I do have your information. Michelle, are you sending the shipping address info to my email cause i still didnt see it come through. Kahna, I still dont have a shipping address for you either.

I went ahead and ordered materials to get the run started. Ill keep you posted.

All the other interested parties, payment is being taken at this time. Secure your parts soon as once this run is completed, I will sell out of the products and it will be some time before I get back into another run!
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Not sure what's going on. I've sent two emails from my yahoo account, subject line "Zam greeblies", to jdfett at If it's not in your spam mailbox, I will try resending from my gmail account.
Last edited by a moderator: bad...i checked through my many junk messages and found you...youre all set!
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Thats no problem, just email me down the road and if i still have sets available from this run you can get them at a later date
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I have the first four that paid, ready to be shipped. Hopefully by tomorrow. Just informational on these sets. I had discontinued making the brooch due to the difficulty on the castings coming out messed up. That was the reason i dropped the price back awhile ago...but i gave it another try and figured i throw them in. They are decent but the outside edge as before is refusing to cast. You can easily fix it with resin epoxy. Ive throw the pieces in with it anyway.

Also be sure you wash well with soap and wayer to remive release agent before painting and finishing. Paint will not adhear to the plastic without cleaning them!!! There is also trimming required.

I will be available to help anytime via email to answer questions on how i finished them.

Looks like i have 4 more full kits not spoken for. First paid and posted here saying so will get them. I will be happy to purchase another batch of resin for anyone else who will want a set. There will be a short waiting period of course so i can reorder product.
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Kahna...i dont think inhave your address...ready to ship out but need it. If you sent it already i cant find it. Email me again at
kahna...disregard...i found it!
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List updated. As of today all who paid have been shipped. I have three left on a first come first serve basis
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