General Our Zam Build - gonna get this thing done!

Hey! My wife wants to do Zam. So, i am doing some research. Where did you find the helmet and other hard pieces?
I got lucky and had a local garrison member with pieces, that was not going to finish the build. She had acquired them second hand herself, and origanl source is unknown. Checked CRL and build threads, and they are accurate, so using them.
My Zam Build

After helping hubby (the actual Pencap510) with 2 builds, one being TFA for movie release, and another year of helping troop, decided it was time for my own costume. I thought about Resistance Rey, but want to be 501st, so searched the CRL's for the costume to called to me. Zam did, in all her purple glory. A few weeks of reading 'decade-old' build threads, we took the plunge.

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A trip to Tandy and we left with a half cows worth of leather. Plus a strip and strap cutter, lacer, oblong punch, leather dyes, and a brief but very informative tutorial from the staff.

Home to read again and prepare for the next day.

Saturday: unroll and cut into the leather. 2 1/4 inch tall strips cut. Then the individual squares, all 180 of them.

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I ordered a faux leather jacket off Amazon ($15), hoping to alter to work for the vest. Future ambitions have a real leather vest, but I want to be more sure of myself, and sewing leather is a little scary. Got the jacket, removed the sleeves, collar, bottom cuff, and lining. Trailing some acrylic paint to get the lilac grey I'm looking for in the vest.

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And sampled my dyes on scrap leather pieces to end the night...

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Sunday: goals for today. Punch 4 holes in all 180 squares. Dye each square, front, back, and sides, cut lacing (minimum of 75 feet), and dye it. With some help from the neighbors, got it done!

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Secured the Prada boots from EBay, greeblies and armor pieces in the works, requested some neoprene samples- great start to the build!
Amazing Build I'm starting mine this year too Thanks for all the details and leather work and dying ideas! Very Helpful
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