My Altmann\'s bucket...

Master Jedi Allma

Active Hunter
My Altmann's bucket...

Heres a couple of pics of my ALTMANN'S BOBA FETT.
These are the ones it was advertised with...
will be taking some extra nice pic's with my new camera...
once ive sorted how to use it..LOL!

heres a couple more pic's...

I agree on the green and the mandibles appear ... brown. Maybe it's just the picture, but that doesn't look like red paint...
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I know mate..
Its not the most accurate...
but it is an official Lucasfilm endorsed one..
and #302 of only 500 made...
So I aint planning on changing it...
I want it to hold some value...
Plenty of other buckets out there to tamper with...

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I think it looks terrific Mason and I'm sure you're just as proud of it as anybody else here is of their helmet, no matter what type it is.
Hell, mine's probably not the exact shade of green either but I wouldn't have it any other way.
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cheers for the kind words darthbish...
I've seen some very weird and wonderful versions in these forums myself...
Not all are accurate remakes...
many are variances of the owners own signature style...
and who is to tell them they are wrong or right...
Its thier's to enjoy!
I never posted to say it the most accurate helmet available...
just giving you all a chance to view it...

Ps:...your right!...I do love just the way it is...LOL!
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Ok, the Altmann's isn't that accurate in comparison to a MSH or a Marrow_Sun, but in any case a better helmet than a ugly DP 97 …
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Ya look awesome, only thing I do not like is it looks like the weathering on the red visored part went overboard, otherwise it looks good. the grrne could be bleached out from the flash.
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Master-Jedi-Allma wrote:

through e-bay, but the seller has a Sci-fi store in OZ...

Looks like you got it from the same guy I got my scout bust stand from:


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Why not re-paint the altmann's........lousiest paint job in history,and guys,believe me,these lids aren't going to go up in price anytime this century,as new companies no doubt,would take over the licence.
Lemme say lads and lasses,if I sent my clients a lid that looked like the 'bloody ugly altmann's' paint job,I'd probably get beaten up.........
I'd bloody well deserve it,too,if I sold a lid that looked like that!
I own 2,one numbered #9 which is total crap,and a 'pre-licensed' boba,bought 10 yrs ago at Comics'r'us for AU$195,which is much more like the real thing.
The rumor is,Steve got caught by LFL lawyers,and had to cough up the fees.......No idea if it's true,or not,but LFL has a looooooooong history of approving 'inaccurate' releases,so we can't blame Steve usual,LFL can say 'mea culpa'........('i'm to blame',for those who didn't learn latin at school.....lolololol.
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