heh heh heh... I DID paint every layer. Why didn't I mask it in advance? Uh, umm... because... er... reasons? Okay, you caught me, I admit it, I didn't plan that far ahead. And when I initially painted everything it was early in the spring, in the north central USA and temps were borderline for painting anyway. I was in a rush. *shrugs*
Historically in my props and costume work, I'm a
subtractive weatherer. I use steel wool and the like to cut through the surface layers of paint to reveal the "metal" underneath.
Now, Boba has impact damage weathering and not just edge weathering, so that's a special kind of hell for me with my usual method. I'm going to try using a plastic brush wheel on the Dremel to cut down to the grey/silver layers and then touch up with spot painting. I LIKE doing weapon weathering, but the props I make are usually cold cast, so subtractive weathering is super easy.
My armor weathering experience is limited to an ODST and Aliens USCM armor set. And my last USCM set... was real metal. So I didn't have to cheat on that one. Just stopped when I hit silver.
The BOBF armor has much more subdued weathering compared to ESB or ROTJ, but it IS there and in a specific pattern. And I'm a bit anal about getting it in that 90%+ close accuracy range. Marking that pattern out has been a PITA because half of the HD screenshots I've gotten from the series are all out of focus, which is reeeeallly annoying. I want to slap Robert Rodriguez' cameraman sometimes.
If you want pictures of the vest back Velcro pattern I did, I can do that for you if it would help.