Rook's Book of Boba Daimyo build.

Vambrace hoses done last night. Went faster than I thought it would. Silicone hoses with the mesh sheathing. The quick disconnect fittings I think came from Amazon. Couldn't find ones with big and little knurling. My set came with 3 connectors, so one is attached to a cut off bolt that will be glued into the gauntlet. The second is connected to the end of the quick release. I pushed the silicone hose on top of the fitting, then zip tied it in place. Wrapped it with electrical tape, then put the mesh cover over that. Then used heat shrink tubing over all of that. I probably should have used less electrical tape, but other than that I think it turned out decent still need to paint the part that goes into the vambrace a brass or copper color.

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Where did you source these? I’ve got some corrugated tubing that I was thinking of using, but these look slick.
Quick disconnects...

Mesh cable sleeve...

And for the actual hose I used (I think) some 1/4-1/3" silicone rubber hose I bought at Ace hardware? I brought in the quick disconnect and matched up the hose diameter to the "barbed" end of the disconnect. I also used a couple small zip ties to lock it together.
Quick disconnects...

Mesh cable sleeve...

And for the actual hose I used (I think) some 1/4-1/3" silicone rubber hose I bought at Ace hardware? I brought in the quick disconnect and matched up the hose diameter to the "barbed" end of the disconnect. I also used a couple small zip ties to lock it together.
Thanks! I have to have my build done by Memorial Day weekend, so I’m in fast build crunch time.
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