Star Wars Costume Exhibit: Zam???

I believe I understand where your coming from, to make something artistically and physically come pretty close together, as an artist to emulate and aspire the work of a great illustration, costume or piece as inspiration for your own work so you might someday have your very own work to proud of and admired used as inspiration for others to come and perpetuate and to never see it the original source of work in person. It just must be nerve-racking.

I can totally relate and respect that entirely. Heck we all have our own Holy Grail to find. Hopefully you’ll get the chance Zam to see yours in person. :)

(I’ll be sure to bring a ruler, just in case.) ;)
Thanks so much Andy-Kun, yeah, the Zammers and I already built most of my costume.
If you haven't seen it already,


Moncal's is at this point more accurate than mine, but you get the picture (pun intended) ;)
Zam I Am said:
(Heck, I didn't spend that much on my infant yet. )

Haaaawww!!! You will... you will!!! :D :D And more!!!

Yep... I know where you're comin' from on seeing the real thing in person, up close and personal like! I'm chomping at the bit to go see it - I don't know if I can wait until the end of October to see it... *sighs* I still can't belive how relatively close it is to me! Most SW related things seem to be on the other side of the continent!

I also planned to take along a fabric sample, a couple sample pieces from the skirt, part of the cummerbund and a scrap leftover from my holster.... *I hope they don't search my bag too much - or I might be in trouble! ;) * Gotta get my camera settings right too!
MaulMaus said:
Haaaawww!!! You will... you will!!! :D :D And more!!!

Yep... I know where you're comin' from on seeing the real thing in person, up close and personal like! I'm chomping at the bit to go see it - I don't know if I can wait until the end of October to see it... *sighs* I still can't belive how relatively close it is to me! Most SW related things seem to be on the other side of the continent!

I also planned to take along a fabric sample, a couple sample pieces from the skirt, part of the cummerbund and a scrap leftover from my holster.... *I hope they don't search my bag too much - or I might be in trouble! ;) * Gotta get my camera settings right too!

I don't know, MM, if I do go, I want to take my whole outfit. Just don't know if they'd confiscate it thinking it's a double.. LOL
Hi Guys,
Here are some links to photos from the NY fashion show with some of the costumes. The first one is is here:
Zam is on pic #2 and Jango on Pic #38 And #39 I believe. 43 pics total.
The second is from someone who went to the show, this album has some great detail, looks like more pics to be added Jango is 124-130 here:
Heres a detail shot I found of Zam:

So now who doesn't want to go? :eek:
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TAlked to Mr. Black one of the FIDM coordinators, and he said the if we pass the plexiglass, an alarm will go off. Laxer pointers it is guys! anyone got where we can find 'em cheap? BTW, since they made the costume in Austrailia, we should adust everything we measure by in millimeters. I might have to :cry and my family and fly up by myself. Whaaa! I am planning on Maul Maus' dates if things get finalized. Oct 21-23rd. FIDM Sat hours are 10:00am-8:00pm Sun 11=5pm I think. So if everyone wants to meet up and get chow afterwards, post! Oh, also if you know of a good eatin place... post.

We need to get a list of shot angles too. Too bad Zam I Ain't is reluctantly letting me go by myself, his 6'3" and Zam building expertise would come in handy.
Darn.... guess that means the "instant" costume idea is a bust! ;)

It's gonna be Saturday at FIDM - Sunday I have to drop a friend (or 2?) off at the airport and drive back home to AZ.

So a Saturday meet-up with anyone interested would be great! :)
Zam I Am said:
TAlked to Mr. Black one of the FIDM coordinators, and he said the if we pass the plexiglass, an alarm will go off.

They didn't have those alarms installed during the gala opening weekend. They have them installed now for the public exhibition because some fool couldn't keep their hands to themselves and messed with the Boba costume by opening one of the pouches. But they have security cams all over the place so they likely caught/know who did it.

If you do happen to go in costume, you might as well leave your blasters and such at home. They had us scouts/stormies/etc. drop off our blasters at the security table before we went into the exhibit.
Good things to keep in mind Zam and Resilient, sounds fine to me. I'm heading out on Saturday morning and I'll be wandering around the exhibit for the better part of the day and I wouldn't mind running into any fellow TDH members in the process! :D
...I should be there this sat...

...and hopefully will work the event on 10/9...

...see you there...hit me up on the cellio...

BlackList Squadron
Over on the TFN costume forums, there are threads going where people are asking those who are working in the exhibit, and thus have direct access to the costumes, specific questions about details.

Currently people are pretty much just asking Padme questions, but I figured you guys might want to know about this if you have any specific Zam related questions that you'd like to see if she can answer.
TOTALLY going to be there now! Thanks to Maul Maus- she's the bomb! Anyone else from the TDH going to be there Oct 22nd? Oh! and Saturday the 22, we should go out to dinner together dudes Please-list some suggestions! Party! I am thinking of bringing my outfit. I have to talk to the museum coordinator. It would be the fashizzle if I could wear my costume next to the real thing. I know that the tickets are sold in 15 minute increments - what time slot should we buy out?

Resilient, thanks for the linky! I haven't had a chance to ask questions-- new mom syndrome, can only take 1 minute to post anything, before we have to get back to baby chores.
sadly (or Happily) we were in Paris the weekend of the big gala and could not make it :(

There is a big fan day on the 9th of Oct but Kim is so busy with exams that we cannot make it to that one or the on the 22nd either :( :( ZIA if you guys are still in town, we have a 501st charity event on Sunday the 23rd if you are interested.

Kim's planning to go to the FIDM thing in November I guess (Our current roomie's already seen it twice- agh!). It's cool they have the blaster, too bad it's in the holster though. We were supposed to get the book too, but no it looks as if $$ issues have caused us to cancel that order. Oh well, hopefully by the time we get to the show it will not be as crowded and we can take our time getting some nice pictures.

I am surprised it has the blaster. During the bad girls of Star Wars at C3, didn't Leanna say something about the blaster being stolen ???? I didn't get to see the show so that's why I'm asking ;)
I don't remember Leanna saying anything about that at C3. I still haven't downloaded my interview with her at the "bad girls" thingee. I'm SOOO slow cuz of the mommy factor...girl costumers have it so much harder than the guys! Geez...

KnC ARGGGGHGH! too bad! would have loved to see you two there and talk about stuff.
I will start another thread though, that way we can "cover the shots" if some of us don't get enough angles of certain pieces.

Dallas? Moncal? Judz Dwed? anyone else going there the 22nd besides me and Maulmaus?

Museum administrator said:

Sorry to say the only bathrooms we have available are port-a-potties.

Due to the large crowds on the weekends, there are no docents, and the Zam costume is one of the twenty that arrived from Lucasfilm already dressed, so we know very little about it anyway.

Michael Black
So, if I wore a costume there, I would have to buy two tickets!!! I would rather change in a phone booth :lol: than a porta pottie! ARG! Nothing comes easy...

Anyone know where to get two lazer pointers cheap?
I don't believe that. How can they have only port-a-potties? I mean...this is a regular museum, part of their rotational display area and I would assume they would have to build restrooms for customer use? Isn't there a law or something? ;)
Indeed they do MaulMaus, there located in the exhibit gallery, there hidden but they are there, single stall facilities by law.

When I attended the event, I asked the security personnel after overhearing and seeing the individual running the exhibition passed by and gave the go ahead to all the staff to allow attendees to use the restrooms in the gallery as they needed.

And trust me there a lot nicer, roomer and cleaner than a port-a-potty for a costume change. ;)

So there shouldn’t be any problems for ya Zammers finding a place to change as long as you inform the proper personnel running the event. :)
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