Star Wars Costume Exhibit: Zam???

Also, can someone PM me with a way to contact benaequee? I'd like to talk to her about getting permission to include these pictures on the Zam reference CD. I think they'd be a great addition!


Sorry Julie, she did leave it open for a few days. At first she was going to close it down just a few hours after she unlocked it just so I could get photos.

If someone else hasn't forwarded them to you, I can. She did give me permission to share "in any way shape or form that is needed". I think her big concern is she wants people to credit her as the photographer and owner of the photos.

I'll ask her if she is OK with you adding them to your reference CD. Is this something you do at cost (no profit?) I'm not sure she'd want people profitting off her photos...
Yeah, I think I make maybe $1.50 off each CD after the blank CD and the jewel case and the box and shipping, but if you count gas to get to and from the post office, I actually lose money on each one. *giggle*

Please let me know what she says, and thanks for checking! I would be sure and credit her on the files on the CD.

Thanks for the offer, but someone local already offered me the pics for my own reference, so I think I'm set. :)

who needs to get a couple of CDs mailed today (SORRY!!!)
Thanks for sharing the pics Kathy! :)

Ooh I'm loving them! Thank you lots
I flipping knew that wrist greeblie was on a cloth panel and there she is. LOL

Do you mean this:


I have a feeling that is the glove sticking out a bit. I have never seen the entire glove before but from what I've heard it goes up a long way. I suppose it could be the leather lining flipped up but doubtful.

Based on this picture it leaves it to question I suppose:

Wardrobe Malfunction! :lol:

We know that the bottom pic is one of the real gauntlets that made its way to eBay. See how the leather is loose around the top where it is attached to the inside of the gauntlet... When the gauntlet was put on, it looks like the the leather went up instead of inside the gauntlet. The leather is a different color than the glove leather...
im sure who ever puts the stuff together for these exhibits dont get it perfect the MOS in boston they had a vader that was called a new hope suit and it had parts from all different movies on it...kind of a "mutt" vader
It's too bad isn't it? The people setting up these displays should be people like us who are anal about the details, love everything about it, take supreme care of everything ..... but nah..... why hire people who care about the priceless, movie iconic props and costumes? Hire the $8.00 per hour guy who never heard of star wars.... :facepalm
I know... :facepalm They wouldn't even have to pay me... I'd volunteer to do that! I wouldn't even be picky about which costumes!

On the other hand Cal... if it were someone like us doing the set-up.. we'd still be there setting it up! :lol: :lol: ! *Oh cool.. look at this... do you see how they put this together... look at his detail... ohhh the fabric they used here... etc.. :lol: *
Yeah you're probably right...... or we'd be calling Lucasfilm and saying...".um.. the helmet that came with the boba fett costume is the wrong one. Could you send the ROTJ helmet. Yeah and also... the greeblies are missing off of the tie pilot chestbox. I don't think we can display it until we restore it..." ;)

I actually mentioned at CIV how I'd like to lay out the Fett costume and compare it to mine piece by piece, take pictures, measurements etc. so I could make mine better ;) hehe
It's too bad isn't it? The people setting up these displays should be people like us who are anal about the details, love everything about it, take supreme care of everything ..... but nah..... why hire people who care about the priceless, movie iconic props and costumes? Hire the $8.00 per hour guy who never heard of star wars.... :facepalm

It probably depends on the exhibit and what LFL has provided (if LFL gives them a mutt suit that's what they have to use). At FIDM, they did have some people who are Star Wars fans and full time musuem employees putting together a lot of the mannequins. I don't think this is a huge secret, but they even had specific 'how to dress' guides for each character that they had to reference (No, I wasn't allowed to see these... I was just told about the process). I suspect they are similar to the guides sent out to merchandisers for chain retail stores. (As someone who had to dress mannequins for a few stores, I can kind of empathize). Finally, Trisha Biggar herself did a walk through of the FIDM exhibit and there were things she didn't catch, but the fans caught later (like the helmets on the Padawan younglings were on backward).

So we are really spotting little details that even the costume designer herself didn't spot! It really is hard to catch everything and be 100% knowledgeable about every costume in detail.

Haha - I think that the gal working for the archives told me about your dream of laying out all the boba fett parts when we chatted on Monday! Or maybe you weren't the only one who mentioned wishing they could do that ;) It made me think of the photos of Anthony Daniels with all his 3PO parts laying around him.
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I knew there were some fans that got to help with dressing the mannequins at that exhibit... wish I could've been among them. :facepalm

I'm just hoping they'll do another display of the costumes - perhaps even more of them... It was such a fantastic exhibit! To see all the details and workmanship that went into every costume, even those background characters you hardly see! I didn't think the Neimoidian costumes would impress me... they did! Gads... I'm reminiscing again... ;)
Actually, the fan I referred to was an actual employee of FIDM well before the Star Wars exhibit came through. If other random fans from the area were brought in as helpers I don't really know anything about that (I only know some fans had to go set up the X-Wing since that is really a fan run display) Her husband is a SW fan as well and I know he has visited the dented helmet forums and was nice enough to make some informative posts about the exhibit at the TFN costume and props thread. :)
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