Pap's bounty hunter

I like the armor, but I'm not to fond of the helmet for a couple reasons. 1. If your trying to costume as a Mandalorian, it becomes very hard for fans (especially kids) to try to figure out who you are. Are you a clone or are you a Mandalorian? 2. A Mandalorian wouldn't hang on to a clone helmet. They would be quite sub-par to a Mandalorian bucket...and Mandos aren't known for using kit they see as sub-standard if they have access to something better.
I already asked him about that, it isn't, unfortunately, a mercs project, he just wants to use it for LARPing about. :)

Having said that, all he has to do is build/buy a bucket and I'm sure he wouldn't be far off membership! :)
No worries. I guess the only point I really have is that if your going to spend time to make some nice looking armor, then there is no reason to not do the same with the helmet.
Being a "helmet" man myself ( :D ), I can't help but agree and I think that with a normal mando bucket he'd do absolutely great with an application, it is a shame, but some people don't want to join a club and just want to do it for themselves. Nothing wrong with it, a real shame, but nothing wrong with that.

I started with that attitude, just wanted to make a stormtrooper outfit and not get involved in any of that group nonsense... :)
I have to agree with Saz and Novall... the helmet is what really sets off the armor for mandos... your helmet is an expression of you, how you paint it and how it fits you, what you've added to it. The helmet is the piece of the armor that you'll be remembered for most
That is what I am doing. I am working on the armor but not getting involved in the actual member stuff and all that. Until I can get some good money flowing for my costume is when I will be getting ready to go on the membership side of the whole thing. How you go about your armor is based on your actions and what you want for it. But overall your bucket is really nice. I like the work you put into it vod. GREAT WORK!
Kinda hard to admit, but I agree with you about the Helmet !
One of the reasons for me to use a Clone based helmet is the availability of hasbro clone helmets when Madno buckets are quite hard to find in France. I thought I could not succced in a scratchbluild bucket.
I'm satisfied with the result, but the more the armor advances, the more I think that a non Mando helmet won't fit !!!

I'm trying to get a Mando helmet at decent price, but it seems I'm cursed:
-I mailed FettPride for a budget one, no answrer
-I mailed SgtFangs for one of his kits, no answer
-I missed 2 ebay auctions (trying to get sure if it's a recast takes time, and the auctions went closed...)

So once the armor (upper AND lower) is done, I'll go on with a Mando bucket...
I do fiberglass helmets for £65 plus P&P and, because I'm just a Eurotunnel away, I doubt that would be too much.

That's very budget for fiberglass btw.

If I'm feeling generous, I might do you a deal!
Thanks guys !:thumbsup:

Saz, I'll send you a PM ASAP
NovallTalon, I signed up on Mandalorian Mercs few days ago, but so far I did not had a look on the trading station. If monsieur Saz can't provide what I'm looking for (but I doubt that !), I'll have a look
some updates:
I bought a (undented) helmet from Saz and I'm quite pleased with this bucket.Now it's ready to get its colors. As for the rest of the armor and the "old" helmet, I want it mainly red and copper, but I think black cheeks makes it look better.
Which of the 3 schemes do you prefer ? My preference goes to Helmet 2, but I like the two others, so I need your help to choose !

With weather being less cold, I can use resin again, so I started to apply resin on my lower armor parts. I'll post pictures as soon as I primer them.



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