Oh Yeah! Boba got his groove back!


Active Hunter
Today is the day that I finally got around to finishing my mannequin and installing some kind of gixmo to get my helmet placed atop his shiny bonce.

I gotta say, this is the first time i have seen it all together like this and I almost soiled myself. My housemate nearly did too. She's scared of Mr Fett.

So without further ado I present Boba Fett.............(Please excuse the crumby pic, I had to use my phone until I get a good camera pic)

I got the mannequin from ebay, its a typical fiberglass display mannequin with metal joints. As it didnt have a head I drilled a nice hole in the neck and inserted a wooden rod, simple as that!

Thanks for all your kind words

Wow! That's so cool. Now you have me wanting to do that to display not only my Fett, but my Scout, TIE Pilot, Imperial Officer and Jedi.

Sheesh... I have too many costumes. :)
I wanna get a couple of other costumes on mannequins too, but mannequins are expensive and take up a lot of room. Maybe I should figure out some kind of rotation?!
I heard of a way to make displays for costumes using PVC pipe. I'm thinking this might be an easier way to go, but unfortunately, I have no idea how to even start going about something like this!
Thats an excellent Fett costume you've put together, it makes for one awesome display :cheers

Can you give a quick breakdown of your costume components, namely the armor and soft parts, they look quality.

Im trying to decide wether to go for a full costume or not at the moment
That'd freak me out, wake up at night and find boba standing over me :eek:
freak'n Awsome looking tho :thumbsup:
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deadbolt said:
That'd freak me out, wake up at night and find boba standing over me :eek:
freak'n Awsome looking tho :thumbsup:

dude, it is awesome, my fett is next to my bed (aobut 3 ft away, only place i had room for him) and the mannequin's head is turned to the right...so, hes lookin right at me...its so cool...my girlfriend doenst exactly like it though....but...well...thats ok.:cheers
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Can I make a SMALL suggestion without people getting offended? I would shorten the head or neck a little bit, just a little bit. Very tiny bit. Maybe I am seeing things, but it looks like the helmet it a little high off of the body, but once again, I could be crazy.
cookiemongoloid said:
Can I make a SMALL suggestion without people getting offended? I would shorten the head or neck a little bit, just a little bit. Very tiny bit. Maybe I am seeing things, but it looks like the helmet it a little high off of the body, but once again, I could be crazy.

To be honest I was thinking the same thing. SHould be an easy job to trim a bit off the top of the rod.
mandalore697 said:
To be honest I was thinking the same thing. SHould be an easy job to trim a bit off the top of the rod.

Yeah, that will be easy. But Oh man! This is one sweet piece of Fett history. I am in LOVE with this. I'd try to scare as many people as I can with it, when they enter my home that is. lol. It is looking really nice. GOOD JOB!:)
Wow mate, that is awsome :eek: :eek: :eek:

you need to seriously troop in that and show it off.

Well done:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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