Well-Known Hunter
Hi everyone, messaback 
As many of you may already know by now, I obtained the rights to Natty15d's original works about 6 months ago. With Natty's blessing, I took on the task of further
improving upon an already exceptional piece of work.
This helmet is larger in some areas, however, it is smaller in
other areas respective to the new shape proportions. For all intents
and purposes, it has been reworked from every possible angle,
so it should be considered a resculpt.
The overlay pictures below, are approximations only. We all know
it's extremely difficult to take pictures of the exact angles that
have been captured in exhibits or film stills, but these can
surely give an idea of the level of accuracy that's been achieved.
This has been a long time coming. Without the talents of the original artist (Natty15d), in all likelihood, this would have never made it past the contemplation stages. His works are indeed as pioneering, as they are innovative, especially in the Fett community. This new helmet is only as good, as the base I started from. Thanks Nathan
Although I've had other projects in the works for sometime, I've had to overcome a number of obstacles on this one, for one, a broken hand that I've only recently recovered from. It would have been done long before now.
A few points of possible interest about the helmet.
The helmet is indeed larger in some areas, and smaller in others, however, not in a purposeful attempt to change the dimensions of the original sculpt, that were painstakingly researched. The differences here, come from redesign in perspectives. It is my understanding that a great many sources were used in the original production of this piece, many of them being "Exhibit Photos", such as The Magic of Myth and The Art of Star Wars. Although I used many of the same references, as the pics indicate below, I put more of a focus on original movie stills this time around, for the simple reasoning that most fan captured reference pictures can appear distorted or somewhat out of proportion because of the many different camera's used, whereas (I've been told, not claiming to be gospel as I'm in no way an expert in these matters) that film stills, or film reference in general, could quite possibly give a more accurate representation of an original item because film production equipment and film quality camera's capture at a different shutter speed, with different exposure boundaries, capturing more of what the human eye sees, as opposed to a lower quality camera iris. Again, I claim no expertise where this is concerned, and it can be up for debate, but it made some sense. The overall look I was trying to achieve, was the film appearance. An example shown below ..
One could also argue that there were more than one ESB helmet used, I'm sure we've all seen the pics of the mutiple helmets sitting on tables at ILM, and of course there are the stunt helmets. It was my goal to try and average the look between them all.
Although it is a rescullpt, here are some of the more points of possible intereset that have been changed..
The key slots are pretty self explanitory, but note that the correct bevels immediately above and below the actual key openings.
The Dent is smaller, repositioned.
A new RF Earpiece "mounting pad", for lack of a better term. This is a tapered plateau added to side of the helmet itself, it ca be seen in the last pic. I can put a comparison shot up later to the original if there is enoug interest. The RF earpieces has been redesigned with crisp seems on the earcap as well.
The non-rangefinder earpiece is shorter
Cheek greeblie is added to moldm however it can be drilled out for mounting the brass fittings.
On with the pics ...

As many of you may already know by now, I obtained the rights to Natty15d's original works about 6 months ago. With Natty's blessing, I took on the task of further
improving upon an already exceptional piece of work.
This helmet is larger in some areas, however, it is smaller in
other areas respective to the new shape proportions. For all intents
and purposes, it has been reworked from every possible angle,
so it should be considered a resculpt.
The overlay pictures below, are approximations only. We all know
it's extremely difficult to take pictures of the exact angles that
have been captured in exhibits or film stills, but these can
surely give an idea of the level of accuracy that's been achieved.
This has been a long time coming. Without the talents of the original artist (Natty15d), in all likelihood, this would have never made it past the contemplation stages. His works are indeed as pioneering, as they are innovative, especially in the Fett community. This new helmet is only as good, as the base I started from. Thanks Nathan

Although I've had other projects in the works for sometime, I've had to overcome a number of obstacles on this one, for one, a broken hand that I've only recently recovered from. It would have been done long before now.
A few points of possible interest about the helmet.
The helmet is indeed larger in some areas, and smaller in others, however, not in a purposeful attempt to change the dimensions of the original sculpt, that were painstakingly researched. The differences here, come from redesign in perspectives. It is my understanding that a great many sources were used in the original production of this piece, many of them being "Exhibit Photos", such as The Magic of Myth and The Art of Star Wars. Although I used many of the same references, as the pics indicate below, I put more of a focus on original movie stills this time around, for the simple reasoning that most fan captured reference pictures can appear distorted or somewhat out of proportion because of the many different camera's used, whereas (I've been told, not claiming to be gospel as I'm in no way an expert in these matters) that film stills, or film reference in general, could quite possibly give a more accurate representation of an original item because film production equipment and film quality camera's capture at a different shutter speed, with different exposure boundaries, capturing more of what the human eye sees, as opposed to a lower quality camera iris. Again, I claim no expertise where this is concerned, and it can be up for debate, but it made some sense. The overall look I was trying to achieve, was the film appearance. An example shown below ..

One could also argue that there were more than one ESB helmet used, I'm sure we've all seen the pics of the mutiple helmets sitting on tables at ILM, and of course there are the stunt helmets. It was my goal to try and average the look between them all.
Although it is a rescullpt, here are some of the more points of possible intereset that have been changed..
The key slots are pretty self explanitory, but note that the correct bevels immediately above and below the actual key openings.
The Dent is smaller, repositioned.
A new RF Earpiece "mounting pad", for lack of a better term. This is a tapered plateau added to side of the helmet itself, it ca be seen in the last pic. I can put a comparison shot up later to the original if there is enoug interest. The RF earpieces has been redesigned with crisp seems on the earcap as well.
The non-rangefinder earpiece is shorter
Cheek greeblie is added to moldm however it can be drilled out for mounting the brass fittings.
On with the pics ...