Helmet Shape/Proportion Advice per Height of Wearer


New Hunter
Hello all,

New to the forums, and the closest thing I’ve done to a Boba Fett cosplay is grab a helmet from Toys R Us back in the day, and don it to a buddy’s Halloween party. With recent re-interest in Star Wars, I wanted to take this a step further.

With this said, I am 5ft 8, 20 inch shoulders. At my current height, I am concerned about larger helmet size in proportion to height looking silly.

There is a height difference between Papa Morrison at 5ft 7 - 5ft 9 playing Jango and Boba, then the original OG late Jeremy Bulloch who is closer to 6ft.

I know there are many variations in armor between Jango and Boba over the variations. I would be grateful for some advice going forward on finding a working combo that is aesthetically pleasing and balanced. The goal would be to have a solid Boba Rearmored cosplay going.

Thanks you all!

Pics for reference and entertainment


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Fandango Fett is shorter than you and wears hero size helmets well. I would only suggest smaller helmets like the GMH if you're under 5'5.

You can always use lifts in your boots as well.
If you're looking to go rearmored I know Wasted Fett has a MS2 E6 Fett helmet based off the sideshow bust with sculpted in texture. Probably a good place to start. If you're into 3D printing I believe MinuteFett has a file on his etsy store.

I have a Wasted Fett helmet but had to painted as post-sarlacc:

I agree with Buda here. I’d only add that in my opinion the overall size of the helmet is less than important than making sure it sits at the right height. Fett had a tall head and a long neck, apparently.

For us mere mortals, that means it usually looks better when you make sure the helmet isn’t sitting too low on your skull. I have to pad mine — it actually looks best when the horizontal part of the “T” visor is above my eyes. Go figure.
I agree with Buda here. I’d only add that in my opinion the overall size of the helmet is less than important than making sure it sits at the right height. Fett had a tall head and a long neck, apparently.

For us mere mortals, that means it usually looks better when you make sure the helmet isn’t sitting too low on your skull. I have to pad mine — it actually looks best when the horizontal part of the “T” visor is above my eyes. Go figure.
mine is the same way, i look through vertical part of the visor. My left eye can see towards my right and my right eye to my left lol.
What’s a good formula for capturing that effect? I heard keeping a 2:1 ratio for shoulder width:helmet width is a good rule of thumb. How much neck for a good boba ?
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