Finally...My Mostly completed Zam Costume pics from D\'C

Lets not even talk about collage days. I would rather up and try to forget those days.

Gee I just realised I have not posted here in months. Oh my way a scary thought.
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Um why? Those were awesome times :D

My comp has been outta comish and all my major files are hard to get to. I have a really bad comp virus that won't even let the spybot work. I can't do anything but reply through my hubbie's comp or my comp at work. So I can't fix anything on my site yet. Zam I Ain't didnt even get his pic in there next to me onto the collage.

My major beef with last year's d'c, was that I didn't get ANY pics with all the zammers together. Heck if I had that, it would have been posted front and center. Unfortunately, I don't think I can go to D'C this year. I have a trip the same weekend. I can only attend local functions.

Oh btw, when you all finally get your stuff together to wear, make sure you get TONS of toe spikes. I have ripped em off my toe gaurd EVERYTIME I have gone to a 501st outing. I need to find a way to use a foam rubber casting, to prevent breakage. :rolleyes
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I was reply to the older thread that MaulMaus had posted. He was speaking of the old College days and the bit about being able to eat as you wish and nto worry about gaining weight. Well when in college I had to constantly woprk to keep from looseing weight. Oh well sorry for the confusion and I hope everyone is clear on this now.
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Sorry about your computer ZIA! :( Major bummer!

Zam I Am wrote:

Unfortunately, I don't think I can go to D'C this year. I have a trip the same weekend. I can only attend local functions.

*whiney voice* Awww... man... :( :( Don't say that! Gads.. it seems like half the people I know aren't gonna make it to D*C this year! :( Is there any chance you're gonna make it?

Zam I Am wrote:

btw, when you all finally get your stuff together to wear, make sure you get TONS of toe spikes. I have ripped em off my toe gaurd EVERYTIME I have gone to a 501st outing. I need to find a way to use a foam rubber casting, to prevent breakage.

I haven't even thought about how I'm going to make the toe guards/spikes yet... but whatever it is.. I'll make TONS of them! :D
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I am so sorry MM and the rest of y'all for not going to d'c this year. I am booking a long awaited trip elsewhere totally non-sw related. I didn't realize how much the first d'c burned me out trying to get ready. I can't believe how under the gun I was and still pulled through cause of you all, but still dont think I could take that kind of pressure again for a long while. That's why I won't take on other costumes etc, right now. I can't wait to see pics from everyone though. :D Hopefully I can get enough time and energy to help yalls get your costumes done.
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