another rotj jet pack thread


Sr Hunter
another rotj jetpack thread

i'm posting this up now to remind me to do more later.

i just got a new jet pack... a ruffkintoys fiberglass one to be specific.

here's what it looked like out of the box. the perspective is a bit off since it was leaning back a bit. the photo makes the rocket look small, but that's not the case.



the first thing i did was cut an access panel in the back of the pack. i left a 1" lip on the recessed area to attach a cover later. this will let me get into the pack to install the LED beacon's batter pack and such.

then i painted it silver. i didn't take any pictures of this step alone because... well... it was silver. i think we've all seen a silver jet pack.

i'll be mixing topical and layered weathering. masked layers for the big areas, and topical for the smaller stuff, with a bit of exacto slicing here and there for good measure.

last night i traced out the major battle damage, and latex masked the areas where i want silver to come through the yellow. in keeping with my tradition, i'm using spray cans for all of the major painting. i will probably resort to airbrush for some weathering, but the bulk will still be rattlecans. i got a pretty nice yellow from home depot the other day:

rustoleum striping yellow #2548

it's an inverted can with a strange sprayer designed for a floor striping machine. i popped that sprayer nozzle out and replaced it with one from another can. i still had to paint with the can upside down, but i'm really happy with the color. i'll post photos later tonight. i know the color shifts a bit when it dries, so i wanted the final look.

i'll also lay down at least more color tonight... i'm thinking i might try to get the white and the blue done. i don't think i'll have time to get the red on there.
Just out of curiosity, how much does a fiberglass jet pack weigh?:confused I know it could vary depending on the interior design, but about how much does that one weigh in at?
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Jimmy BufFETT said:
Just out of curiosity, how much does a fiberglass jet pack weigh?:confused I know it could vary depending on the interior design, but about how much does that one weigh in at?

i don't know the exact amount, but not much heavier than the vac formed one i'm replacing. a few pounds, but nothing terrible.
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Why did I not know that Ruffkintoys made a Jet pack???:confused
Sweet pack....and Sweet thread.:thumbsup:
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Hey TK7602!

I see you have ANOTHER project in the works! :lol:

I can't wait to see how this turns out. If like everything else, it will be great! :thumbsup:

What will you be doing with the old jet pack? :)
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here are a few shots of the yellow. i'm pretty happy with the color! it was odd painting with an upside-down can, but it was worth it.

normal_jet pack2_-_5.jpg

normal_jet pack2_-_4.jpg

normal_jet pack2_-_3.jpg

i put the blue on tonight. tomorrow i'll do the white, and friday the red (hopefully - if nothing else comes up, i should have an hour or so before work each day to hit those small areas)

i think i might go out to the garage and get cracking on the rocket and thrusters now :)
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Please, please, please, please continue to list your spray paints used. Including the place of purchase. I'm about to start work on my JP and armor and am also going the rattlecan route. Can't wait to see your progress.

Well looks like you posted right before I hit submit. Unfortunately, the "yellow" looks more orange in the pictures.
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psberetta said:
Ya what Spidey said............ can you post more pics ?

there will be more coming as i go on. right now all you'd get would be a bunch of pictures of a thing all wrapped up in masking tape ;)
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Rat_Fett said:
Please, please, please, please continue to list your spray paints used. Including the place of purchase. I'm about to start work on my JP and armor and am also going the rattlecan route. Can't wait to see your progress.

Well looks like you posted right before I hit submit. Unfortunately, the "yellow" looks more orange in the pictures.

yeah, it does a bit... this is basically the color of the lines on most streets. it is an orangey-yellow, but to me at least, that's how the pack looks too.

i'm really curious to see how it all works out. i'm experimenting a lot with this one. worst case, i repaint it :)
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i fell victim to the dreaded "tape pulls up the paint underneath it" and re-painted about 25% of my blue.


no pictures yet... i was too busy sobbing ;)

that and i'm really not convinced on my choice of blues. i *think* it's going to work, but no photos until i know it does. no sense in saying "here's what color NOT to use!"
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Was the paint completely dry when you put the tape on? Can't use you the latex masking fluid instead of the tape or does that not work with a jet pack?
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Jimmy BufFETT said:
Was the paint completely dry when you put the tape on? Can't use you the latex masking fluid instead of the tape or does that not work with a jet pack?

the paint was dry... unfortnately, when i did the silver base coat, there was apparently a lot of silver paint in the air that settled down on it as it dried. i wiped it down before i did the blue, but missed some spots.

in those places, the blue didn't bond to the silver at all.

i use the latex for damage... the last jet pack i painted, i used the latex for everything. it worked well, but used a LOT of the stuff. i figured i'd use tape for large areas this time.

that'll teach me!

i fixed it up last night though. this puts me a day behind, but i've got time... i don't need it 'til dragoncon
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here's a tip using tape.

lay it on you pant leg, press it down, then apply it to your surface.

The tape will pick up small fibers, which makes it less tacky, and allows the tape to be pulled up with "less" force.

(just make sure you don't have large stray hairs on you clothes :lol: )

I have never suffered a "lift" doing this.

also - i use plastic wrap to cover large areas that I want to cover, and use tape on the edges only -

it's cheap and easy to work with.
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well, my progress thread ended up missing a lot...

i had "issues" with my blue paint, resulting in a lot of re-painting and airbrushing over things with various colors to recover from the bad color / peeled paint.

at the end of the evening, this is what i came out with:


not totally accurate color-wise, but close enough for me. the jet pack is the part i'm least interested in, since most people are looking at the suit from the front. it's very shiny right now, since all of the paint is new and un-dirt-washed.

you can see the older pack next to it...

i used rustoleum royal blue (as often seen on jango helmets) for the blue, thinking it would work out well. it ended up not really being what i hoped. so i misted it with indigo and black airbrush paint until i got the color where i wanted.

from there i started in on the browns and blacks on the rest of the pack, also with the airbrush. while i normally like the challenge of the spraycans, if i was already there i was just going to do it.

the spots in the photo that look like drips are actually the latex underneat the paint. once it's all dry i'll peel things back to expose the silver underneath.

the final washes will be done with the silver exposed so that it looks shiner than it would if i had unmasked it right away, but not super-shiny.

so yeah, sorry for not doing the progress pics. :(

i could... um... do progress pics on the thrusters. i haven't touched them yet.

and for a sense of scale:


it's quite a bit bigger than the older ruffkin pack.
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tk7602 said:
well, my progress thread ended up missing a lot...

Good grief you work quick!! Do you ever sleep??? :confused

I think it's turning out great! :thumbsup:
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