Zam Parts Resources


Active Hunter
Zammers: I'm starting a new thread that will be a working listing of Zam resources.

We all know that sources come and go with too much regularity, though some stay pretty constant. Feel free to post URL's and pictures here, as well as reviews. If we need to be aware of anything about the resource - please post that too!

Do NOT post personal names or email addresses without permission. This is only to help other Zammers find that elusive part or resource.

I'll be trying to pull this information out of the rest of the threads and put it all here - but be patient with the process. Feel free to add your own or any updates! The more information or resources we have, the better.

Happy Zamming! :zam
Glove Resources:

The latest Threads Magazine (March 2008) was a special on couture sewing. In it they had an "insider's list of custom services that support the fashion industry." (Pgs. 48-53). Two glove makers were listed there:

1: Lacrasia Gloves, 1181 Broadway, 8th floor, New York, NY 10001

The blurb says that she produces custom designs upon request and that you can use your own fabric or choose from their stock of imported leathers. Prices start at $50 for custom gloves in stretch fabric and $75 for leather styles.

2. Gaspar Gloves, Hollywood CA

They make custom gloves for the film and theater industries, using traditional table-cutting and hand-stitching techniques. Specializes in period styles. Prices start at $55 and vary according to style and material.

I haven't personally used either of them, but do know Threads Magazine writers usually have a very high standard. Those prices seem pretty reasonable to me too. I think I'm going to see how my gloves turn out.... since they are already cut out of the leather. I simply have to sew and dye them. If they don't work, I think I'm going to try one of these out! :D
Fabric Resources:

Several Zammers have used The Stretchouse - the spandex covered neoprene - and been very happy with it. You might want to order a sample to see if it will work for you - as it is NOT EXACTLY the same as the original fabric used in AOTC - it does not have the same sheen. The color is very very similar though.
I still offer the complete greeblie kit to anyone interested. it comes with 15 pieces as shown


i have a current run at the moment and have 2 kits available as of 7/15/14. After those two kits are gone i will continue to take orders. I just made new molds from my original costume finished pieces which saves some finshing time with these kits. The molds should last for awhile for any new zammers interested in this kit. It is a complete kit of all parts you need to finish your zam. See the current thread title Zam Greebs-back again for information!

I still offer the kit in the full 15 pieces, but as i experienced from the beginning, the brooch is tempermental in casting due to the fine detail of the cut out and it always casts with small areas not complete in the outside ring. Due to this I have lowered the original price to compensate but still include that part, which can be easily fixed with small bits of resin and some sanding with a dremel.
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Hi, I thought i should add my name and my buddy Crazas´s name in here.

We are both finishing a full set of Zam greeblies but we will continue with me scultping helmet and armor parts and him making molds and both casting the parts until we can offer basically everything that is not leather or soft parts.

you can contact me for orders up until the last week of july in here, the Bounty hunter´s guild of the main 501st forums as Dargas.

I can also sculpt (depending on the difficulty of course) and make any custom parts you may need under a small gap of time.


After years of watching my boyfriend troop and build up his costume army, I'm finally taking the plunge. lol I'd love to work on a Zam costume. Does anyone sell the entire costume as a kit that needs to be put together? It seems that it's all pieces and parts out there. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
No, there isn't anyone who sells it all as one kit. There are a couple of people who sell major chunks of it, but not one resource for all.
Sorry I'm so late to the scene, but I'm looking to build a Zam myself!
Pink, if you're still an active member, do you still sell things?
Super thanks for the interest beyora and sopela123. I still have the moulds and some parts and been in contact with you two.

Sorry for not being around. Dramatic life changes has taken over.
Hi everyone,
Just starting out and interested in a slow build of this costume. If anyone is still doing moulds I'd be interested.
Yeah I'd be interested too. Hubby is doing a Tusken Raider but I've had my heart set on Zam. Any tips, advice etc would be much appreciated
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