Zam I Am
Well-Known Hunter
Just to let you all know that I will still frequent the tdh, but please bear with me if my responses are slow. I have had a laundry list of health concerns within the past two months and have been needing to really focus my energies on improving my health. At work, they totally banned us from using the internet so, I can't even check during lunch anymore. Don't worry, I still have everyone's interests in mind (for those that voiced their questions). Zam I Ain't and I are still working on things that we have promised to help out people with and will post as things/time become available. Just so that you all know (since many of you asked awhile back), I will be having that cataract surgery in July and August. So, lets hope that my eyeballs don't fall out and I can't see what I am typing. :wacko At cons/501st events, I haven't been able to see without my glasses. Well, they said after surgery, I should be able to see better respectively and won't need glasses. Lets hope I won't lose my ability to sculpt (and see up close). But, I may be able to get cheap blue contacts after surgury, since, my eyes won't really need a "prescription" We'll see Pun intensive.