WTB as much Zam as I can

It's finally happened. My other half, who does a kickin' slave leia, after seeing my Boba and Jango at Dragon Con, wants to do a Zam.

I therefore appeal to you, fellow TDH'ers... PM me with links, or parts, or whatnot that you may have available.

Thank you!

JP in Atlanta
HAHA I am more of a fan of Slave Leia.

Yeah. Me too.


Me and Seeker had a good day at the office.
egh, used that junk...it keeps your bra strap from showing with tank tops, they said...huh, whoever "they" are need to be shot, that's the most aggravating stuff I've ever worn. I admire all the Leias for putting up with it.
Everyone does...:lol:

but what about Twi'leks
slave Leia rocks :thumbsup: , but aren't Twi'leks the poster girls of galactic arousal:lol:
I say bring on the Twi'lek pics:cheers ....has anyone done a Twi'lek recently:confused
Everyone does...:lol:

but what about Twi'leksslave Leia rocks :thumbsup: , but aren't Twi'leks the poster girls of galactic arousal:lol:
I say bring on the Twi'lek pics:cheers ....has anyone done a Twi'lek recently:confused

Look on the post first year fetting, over his shoulder is a green lady one. I just want to know how she did her headtails. Also, what kinda paint she used. I did something like that in school, only it didn't come off all the way...I was a lovely shade of light pale lavender for a few days. You could really notice it when I wore white. :lol:

DonnieDarknesso688 said:
I admire the Leias too
Yeah, well--that's different for you!;)

Look! I multiquoted! Go me, I rock! :lol:
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