Working With LEDs

Dha Syntir

Active Hunter
I was in Radio Shack yesterday just checking out their LEDs, switches, battery holders and the like and ran across something possibly useful. It's part #276-084 the "Red LED Assembly." It looks like you just drill a 3/16" hole that you push the wiring and lower assembly through the hole and it has a nut that allows you to snug down the LED down tight from below. Then you wire it to your switch and power source (or more elaborate system) and you're in business. Has anyone else used this? It'd only be useful in certain areas but I thought it might be an easy way for folks like me who still has a whole lot to learn about prop building etc, to light up their Range Finder or gauntlet etc...Thoughts?

Happy Holidays!
I was just walking through the walmart clearance aisle and after snatching up a Unleashed Shocktrooper for $5, I found this little blue led set that has a plug for a cigarette lighter. I was wondering how I could cut off the plug so that they can run off of battery power. I thought about using one on the side of my helmet, after attempting to change the bulbs color, or maybe not, depending upon how it looks/works. I thought they other would be cool when I attempt my Republic Commando armor. It is about the same color as the glow in the RC visor and thought it would work in that capacity, to light up the visor...So can anyone offer any suggestions?


seems like a cool idea to me :)

just cut them and run them off a 9V battery to see. I think car chargers etc are 12V DC. They are in the UK anyway
I was in Radio Shack yesterday just checking out their LEDs, switches, battery holders and the like and ran across something possibly useful. It's part #276-084 the "Red LED Assembly." It looks like you just drill a 3/16" hole that you push the wiring and lower assembly through the hole and it has a nut that allows you to snug down the LED down tight from below. Then you wire it to your switch and power source (or more elaborate system) and you're in business. Has anyone else used this? It'd only be useful in certain areas but I thought it might be an easy way for folks like me who still has a whole lot to learn about prop building etc, to light up their Range Finder or gauntlet etc...Thoughts?

Happy Holidays!
If it's the same ones I think you are talking about.Those LED's are awsome I use them all the time I used them with some home made light sabers.

and on my rifle. I just took some close up shots. I will say this taking a pic of an LED when its blinking is not easy LOL.



and then this is my version of a Thermal Detonator using 10 round paintball tubes I have a thigh holseter I will wear on my left leg that will allow me to carry six of these.
Im going to be wiring up a Han in Carbonite soon and I have no idea how to work LEDs. I could problaby work the normal ones ok, but I have to use some displays too (like a clock) and sequence them how I want.

Anyone know how to do this?
Yeah it's 12v dc, I figured I could power the leds via a 9 volt battery holder, and wire in a switch of course. I like your SW/Vader collection shown in the one pic. I wish I could find a way to set all of my vast collection out on display here someday-I keep saying I'll get around to it but never have the time it seems-or I never find the time...

And kbrosseau, I can definitely help you with wiring up some simple, non-blinking leds for your armor or whatever. I'm not much of an electrician, but I'll be glad to help as much as I can and if I get stumped I'll point you towards someone who can help you...Sound ok? All you need to do is hit your closest Radio Shack or it's equivalent in your area after we put our heads together and make a list for what you want done and we can go from there. I hope I can help.

If you want blinking Led's try this thread
I posted the diagram I used for 2 alternating flashers there. If you do a google search for blinking LED's you can find all kinds of diagrams and even some kits for multiple flashers too.

Here is a pic of the thermal detonator I made. It was my first attempt with LED's. I found out on this one that if you wire non flashing LED's in series with a Flaching LED in the front they will all flash.

If you want blinking Led's try this thread
I posted the diagram I used for 2 alternating flashers there. If you do a google search for blinking LED's you can find all kinds of diagrams and even some kits for multiple flashers too.

Here is a pic of the thermal detonator I made. It was my first attempt with LED's. I found out on this one that if you wire non flashing LED's in series with a Flaching LED in the front they will all flash.
That is an AWSOME detonator how did you make that??
Yeah, nice det! Where'd it come from and how do I get one for myself? Concerning making the leds blink, don't you add a specific resistor to the makeshift wiring harness you've built to make them blink?

I made it from one of the small hollow plastic baseballs you can get in the toy section. First I cut it around the seam where it went together. Then I used my handy dandy dremel to grind off the molded in threads and then a glass etching bit to cut in the grooves. For the notches in the iddle I used a cutting wheel and a hobby knife. The switch on top is made of sculpey and a model tank tread that I had in my spare parts box. The center where the three LED's are is made from a Pringles chip can but you could probably use any cardboard tube as long as it's sturdy.

You can purchase Led's that blink at radio shack. They are usually red though so I have that one on the inside wired in series with 3 yellow LED's that come through the Pringles can to the outside. The only thing is they all flash at the same time. You do have to put a resistor in front of the set up. For the red light on top under the switch I wired it by itself away from the flashers to keep it from blinking.

I'll try to get a couple of pics up.
That was fairly ingenious actually. I'd probably not have thought about using something so simple as a cheap plastic ball. I tend to overcomplicate and would have thought about the unlikely medium to use rather than the simple one first...:lol: I gotta learn to stop doing that!

That was fairly ingenious actually. I'd probably not have thought about using something so simple as a cheap plastic ball. I tend to overcomplicate and would have thought about the unlikely medium to use rather than the simple one first...:lol: I gotta learn to stop doing that!

I'm just the opposite...:D I try to go the cheapest route first and then if I can't get it to work or look good enough, then I go the more expensive routes.
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