WIP: Scratch-built gauntlets.

electric_jay said:
The sleeves are the plastic drnking cups, cut in half and hinged on one side...

Genius! That's a great idea. 8)

electric_jay said:
I think I met you at Dallas ComicCon last month. I was working the Madness table.

Nah, I couldn't make it out last month. I'm planning on being at the one this fall in Arlington though. :cheers
GAR Mando said:
Genius! That's a great idea. 8)

Thanks, man. it came ot me as I was trying to wake up yesterday morning and I started looking at my stainless steel travel mug. Too bad it was too small for my forearms.:p

Nah, I couldn't make it out last month. I'm planning on being at the one this fall in Arlington though. :cheers

Arlington, eh? My GFs brother (he owns Madness) will prolly ask me to work it, but I'm hoping to have my TIE Pilot done and be trooping for that one.
Flask? No...but that is a good idea to integrate into my costume somewhere.

I am re-working them to look a little more "Mandalorian" while still not looking like Boba or Jango repaint. I'm leaving the right one alone for the most part.
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