Jodo Kast The Notorious Jodo Kast: Reapwind WIP

Reap, any progress? :)

Sorry for the mega delayed response, unfortunately no progress only setbacks, I recently unpacked my kit to find the paint has cracked across the chest plates, I've surmised that its due to storage and the temperature of where I kept it, so looking like I will need to repaint them all.
Additionally will be doing the back plate as it doesn't sit right as well as also paint issues.

Gauntlets were fine if not a little bulky, but a friend of mine has offered to replace them with lighter 3D printed ones, so how could I refuse ;D
Here is what we have done so far:

Left Gauntlet minus missiles that will be transferred from old gauntlet

Right gauntlet

Source material for the change to right gauntlet


As well as the ones for the change of connectors

And the connectors with piping

I'm planning on using that locate on the nodes protruding from the back of gauntlets, the pipes are silicone lighter and more flexible than braided so shouldn't hinder movement.

Hope everything looks satisfactory and hope to bring progress in next post.
So, turns out when you add a harness into the equation it really throws out your plates and reshaping seriously blisters the paintwork, so..... scrap collar and back plate, remake and strip back paint off remaining chest plates, this kit seems to want to test me *sigh*

Without Jet Pack


With jet pack



Harness blocks to cover holes still need to be made and the strapping was adjusted while wearing it and caused gathering around the holes.

I also seem to have developed a lean to the left somehow :rolleyes:
Been a while with this RF but we think we got it licked, the original wireless light and servo parts were too bulky and couldn't fit head in with all the tech, so all that had to go and a friend built a more streamlined version ;D

Here it is before we added the controller into the gauntlet music is there to drown out background noise :


And here it is after, leaning back to balance lid:

Sorry for the mega delayed response, unfortunately no progress only setbacks, I recently unpacked my kit to find the paint has cracked across the chest plates, I've surmised that its due to storage and the temperature of where I kept it, so looking like I will need to repaint them all.
Additionally will be doing the back plate as it doesn't sit right as well as also paint issues.

Gauntlets were fine if not a little bulky, but a friend of mine has offered to replace them with lighter 3D printed ones, so how could I refuse ;D
Here is what we have done so far:

Left Gauntlet minus missiles that will be transferred from old gauntlet

Right gauntlet

Source material for the change to right gauntlet
View attachment 163187


As well as the ones for the change of connectors
View attachment 163188

And the connectors with piping
View attachment 163186

I'm planning on using that locate on the nodes protruding from the back of gauntlets, the pipes are silicone lighter and more flexible than braided so shouldn't hinder movement.

Hope everything looks satisfactory and hope to bring progress in next post.
Been a couple of years it seems, sorry about that I have been doing things honest, just little things that were more ironing out wrinkles and not worthy of updates.

But I've had a bit of a kit up and this is where I am in relation to the belt section and jet pack.





Knees and cod will naturally have elastic added later

Jet pack adjustments, have raised the pack to be just above the base of the backplate, looks allot less like its just hanging off my back and more in the correct position.

received_242257608729370 by Colin Bruce, on Flickr




Thoughts would be as always appreciated
With a heavy heart I upgraded the JP to a more accurate paint scheme to the period I am working from.

Abuse is Jodo's trademark of his equipment and that's what I went for, hope you enjoy.

Helmet has been stripped back and blaster updated for both, the helmet needed more a yellow orange over just orange around the visor section.
This will also be applied to shoulders, gauntlets and knees.
I will be posting up samples for approval.

Will be choosing new greens as well due to the rattle cans I had in storage have gone very wrong, so I'm switching to airbrush and going with a green underlayer throughout instead of yellow in places (mainly as they don't show yellow in the comic at all).


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