Superjedi's ESB Fugly for Viva Fett

And here it is... helmet number 62!
This was a helmet that will be going right back to its maker -- Viva Fett. He did a great job casting the kit, and I'm glad he'll have it for his Boba build.
In the pics you may notice that there's not a Borden installed in the cheek. Viva will be adding that himself when he receives it.
As always, thanks for following along with the build, and I'll have more Fett goodness to show before too long. ;)

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And here it is... helmet number 62!
This was a helmet that will be going right back to its maker -- Viva Fett. He did a great job casting the kit, and I'm glad he'll have it for his Boba build.
In the pics you may notice that there's not a Borden installed in the cheek. Viva will be adding that himself when he receives it.
As always, thanks for following along with the build, and I'll have more Fett goodness to show before too long. ;)

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What a work of art. Such a beautiful helmet. Nicely done. AGAIN!
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