Superjedi's PP1 Eyes for Budafett


Sr Hunter
Hey all you Fett heads! It's been a bit, but I'm back with a new commission.
This won't be an ESB or an SE lid. I'm starting on a Pre-pro 1 "Eyes" helmet! It's been quite a while since I've worked on a Pre-pro and this one is for my old buddy Budafett. He purchased it already completed but wanted to zazz up the paintjob a little, so I'll be reworking it for him.
The kit is a Minutefett fiberglass helmet, with metal ears and Borden.
Here's how everything arrived, stripped and ready for some fresh colors.

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Mate, you’ve always been one of the finest proponents of ESB helmets, but I must say, it’s always great to see you getting to mix it up and do a PP1… looking fantastic so far
Boba Has always been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. I was never sure how I felt about the EYES. But I’m starting to come round on it……Maybe it’s the painter.
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