Resin blaster handle connector question???


Active Hunter
I am concerned with the durability of the part on the handle that connects the gun handle to the butt of the rifle. This "D" shaped piece seems a little thin compared to the weight of the butt and main rifle, and I was wondering if anyone had problems of their "D" connector breaking.

Mine is resin as well, so that is why I am concerned of it breaking. Is there a metal version of this part readily available?
i got ahold of a piece of 1/4 inch alluminum and traced the "d" shape metal piece , then went at it with a jig saw . you might try that to connect the two pieces together .

mcabrera1275 wrote:

I am concerned with the durability of the part on the handle that connects the gun handle to the butt of the rifle. This "D" shaped piece seems a little thin compared to the weight of the butt and main rifle, and I was wondering if anyone had problems of their "D" connector breaking.

Mine is resin as well, so that is why I am concerned of it breaking. Is there a metal version of this part readily available?

MB has a cast aluminum "D" connector with his rifle kit, he may sell one seperatly.

I made mine connecting piece from 1/8" think aluminum, and then glued them together with JB Weld to make them 1/4" thick. This makes it a little easier to work with when cutting the pieces...only thing is you have to do it twice ;)
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