need zam rifle help


New Hunter
Hello I'm in need of some help with a project for a friend and I've looked all over the web. she has a new 501st approved Zam costume and has asked for my help to make her the Zam rifle. I had found a web sight that had all the info I needed, but now it's gone. I was looking for a template or info on the length of the rifle. Any info will help. Thanks
I built mine using two junked out kentucky long rifles for parts, had the large power cell machine by a friend, there are aluminum metal rods, and all the other parts were scavenged from various things, from which I cannot remember very well.
You will need a flintlock Kentucky rifle replica. The parts from that replica that you use are the stock, side plates, trigger guard, and cleaning rod ferrules. You may need the trigger if you are not going to make a new one. You cut the stock at 27.25 inches and use the forearm piece to make a mold for the very front stock piece.
The barrel is 7/8 inch aluminum tube with a wall thickness of about .075 inches and 49 inches long. This needs to be adjusted depending on the height of your Zam. The actress was short so this length would probably be ok for most people unless your Zam is tall.
The cleaning rod is 3/8 inch diameter aluminum rod 34.5 inches long not counting the brass fitting on the end. The ferrules will probably have to be drilled out a bit for it to fit easily.
The scope is 13.5 inches long. The large greeblie is 6.25 inches long. It is the hardest part to make as it requires much machining. I had to make it in 4 parts but I suppose someone good could make it in 1 or 2 pieces.
The butt plate is .125 inch thick aluminum plate cut and filed to shape after bending. All the screws are torx drive.
Hope this helps. If you need a picture or some parts (small parts) just write.
You will need a flintlock Kentucky rifle replica. The parts from that replica that you use are the stock, side plates, trigger guard, and cleaning rod ferrules. You may need the trigger if you are not going to make a new one. You cut the stock at 27.25 inches and use the forearm piece to make a mold for the very front stock piece.
The barrel is 7/8 inch aluminum tube with a wall thickness of about .075 inches and 49 inches long. This needs to be adjusted depending on the height of your Zam. The actress was short so this length would probably be ok for most people unless your Zam is tall.
The cleaning rod is 3/8 inch diameter aluminum rod 34.5 inches long not counting the brass fitting on the end. The ferrules will probably have to be drilled out a bit for it to fit easily.
The scope is 13.5 inches long. The large greeblie is 6.25 inches long. It is the hardest part to make as it requires much machining. I had to make it in 4 parts but I suppose someone good could make it in 1 or 2 pieces.
The butt plate is .125 inch thick aluminum plate cut and filed to shape after bending. All the screws are torx drive.
Hope this helps. If you need a picture or some parts (small parts) just write.
Ty I'm sure I will have more questions latter. Finally I've had a chance to look over what you sent because it's been a little crazy here with all the hurricane stuff going on here in the storms we've had. Hopefully we can dry out so I can start working on this project for my friend who is patiently understanding.
You cut the stock at 27.25 inches and use the forearm piece to make a mold for the very front stock piece.
ok it's been a while and I really need to start working this rifle for my friend' but I have some questions. one is bout when I cut the stock. is the forearm and the top wood piece the same length as the forearm?
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