My pic beats your pic..


I do belive an open flame cannot withstand the power of a FIRE EXTINGUISHER!
Shotgun loaded with a slug blows hole in fire extiguisher.....I think. Might have to try that!!!! LOL

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Since Megatron was frozen for years in polar salt water, he would be impervious to rust AND beats robosaurus...


But, I know someone is going to show an Army guy with a grenade launcher. So, go find that dude!
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good one, irishman...:D nothing like green jolly ranchers to beat up superman with!! :lol: i mean, water guns...? awesome pic, man...:thumbsup:
good one, irishman...:D nothing like green jolly ranchers to beat up superman with!! :lol: i mean, water guns...? awesome pic, man...:thumbsup:



I just picked the first pic that popped up on google images without expanding it to see exactly what it was!!!

:D :D :D

Oh man! That is great!

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