Lacquer Testors Dull Cote over Polly S Acrylic Paint?

obi sean kenobi

Well-Known Hunter

Painted my Fett helmet with Polly Scale Acrylic Paint.

Can I clearcoat it with Testors Dull Cote (lacquer) or will it F@#$ up the paint?

To complicate things, I used enamel paint on the back of the helmet (floquil, coudlnt find the right green in polly s acrylic)

Paint gurus, I am at your mercy.

Do I even need to clear coat it?

Hmmmm some Laquer based paint wrinkles, some Acrylic. Spray some of your base paint on a test piece, and then dull cost it and see if its compatible.
Glad to see someone is asking before coating like I did when I screwed up my helmet over the summer :facepalm

Wish I could help, buddy.
Hope it comes out OK.
Can't wait to see some pics.

Jedi-Bob, what happened to your helmet and what were the products that you used? My fiberglass helm is just a few steps away from the topcoat, and I don't want any accidents, either!

Mercutio wrote:

Jedi-Bob, what happened to your helmet and what were the products that you used? My fiberglass helm is just a few steps away from the topcoat, and I don't want any accidents, either!

jedi bob used american accents clear topcoat IIRC...

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