Jodo Kast Jodo Kast - Decipher


Well-Known Hunter
So heres the 7 or so we took, with my NEW Thigh Pouches. The thing is, my boots where to small, so I went with socks. :lol:
"What could that be in my hand?"




"New Jodo Shoulder Logo"


This is my favorite image out of all of them -

If you didn't notice, like I did, there is a Westar in my holster. Well, I simply forgot to take it out. But seeing it in there, I might keep it.
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Hey, thats a really nice suit you made. I dont mean to be picky, but you might just need to flatten out the RF stalk, its just a pet peeve of mine, but everything else is great. I like the nintendo zapper, lol, I just like to play duckhunt with mine....
Great work!

chris, I have a Hankey01 metal RF stalk, so you dont hafe to worry about that.;)

I found the paint at "Menards", I dont realy know what exact kind it was though. The Gauntlets are Ruffkins, and I painted them, and weathered them. They realy arent Decipher Jodo gauntlets anyway, they're TEOD ones. The Decipher ones are a sort of greenish blue.;)
Either way, they look good on you. What kind of helmet did you use?

off topic: Hmm, I was right. My chest and stomach armor aren't spaceed far enough apart, makes me look funny. I can rub that in my mom's face, now.
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I used a Fiberglass DP '95.:thumbsup:
Yeah, even my armor isn't spaced right, if you didn't notice, the collar peice has the weirdest shape to it EVER. I didn't cut that out, someone else did, and they shaped it the wrong way. It should of came to a point, well, this one curves in.:lol: So that scrued up all the armor placement, but around two inches.:(

Im working on two other sets of armor though, and they will fit ALOT better. Enspecialy, I hadn't put on my armor, for around like, 6 months...So nothing fit like it used to. I wear two sizes bigger than my boots, and Im 3 inches taller.:lol: -


Jodo TEOD -

*At the amatuer fett helmet makers club of south florida, there was a picnic outside in mid-summer for everyone to wear and show off there bucketS. for some reason, everyone of the amatuers RF stalks were made of cheap vinal. Then out of no where, in a blaze of glory, came out a pro fett helmet maker, who had the only aluminum stalk. At that instant, Bikini clad women came from no where, and joined him. At that very instant, the sun struck noon, and all the other amatuers helmet maker's RF's bent inward, as they all looked onto the pro, surrounded by many women.*


Looking good my friend. But you need to do the following:

Add that metal RF stalk. That bent one looks really bad.

The emblem on your shoulder bell is upside down. The circle is on the bottom and the letters are on top.

Get rid of the TEOD gauntlets and paint them the right color...It`ll add a lot to the outfit.

Weather the cape.

Change from using velcro to using snaps. It will give the armor a better look.

Invest in a good set of knee armor. Those are always easy to find.

And look into moving the bottom part of the chest armor up to be a little closer to the two top parts of the armor. It`ll look more uniform that way.

You are onto a great start...I can`t wait to see the rest of your modifications.

Jodo Kast 3 said:
Add that metal RF stalk. That bent one looks really bad.
The emblem on your shoulder bell is upside down. The circle is on the bottom and the letters are on top.
Get rid of the TEOD gauntlets and paint them the right color...It`ll add a lot to the outfit.
Weather the cape.
Change from using velcro to using snaps. It will give the armor a better look.
Invest in a good set of knee armor. Those are always easy to find.
And look into moving the bottom part of the chest armor up to be a little closer to the two top parts of the armor. It`ll look more uniform that way.

Adding the RF is what Im planning on doing this next week or so. I can honestly say, untill you just mentioned it, I didn't relize the shoulder emblem was upside down.:( I've gotta get some more gauntlets.;) The vest is to small now, so when I need another vest, velcro is going in the wastecan.:thumbsup: And yeah, I've still got to work on armor placement.
That's looking awesome! Definatly post pics of the mods your doing!

Are you going to use those TEOD gauntlets for your other Jodo and get another pair for this one?

Im replacing that uncitly collar peice as well.....I don't think I'll be working much on this suit here soon though, aside from the new collar, and metal RF stalk...You should however, look foreward to TEOD pics....Now I just need a helmet, jumpsuit, and vest.:thumbsup:
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