PRAISE FOR MOW STUDIOS AND FETTPRIDE and a trip down Fett memory lane

obi sean kenobi

Well-Known Hunter
Hi all,

Warning. Im feeling nostalgic.

For some of you old timers the topic of this thread is old news, you guys (and gals) know how absolutely fantastic the work of the two artisans Man Of War Studios and Fettpride is already.

So, this thread is directed at the new(er) generation of Fett costumers and prop replicators. You guys dont know how fortunate you are.

I started collecting props (and Fett parts) several years ago (built my first fett in 2002). Back then, even with the very real presence of Brak's Buddy and TDH on the net, the available Fett parts were in the 'dark ages' compared to what we have available (and know) today.

I cut my teeth on sintra armor with rehab Don Post helmets and LisaFett's styrofoam jet pack tutorial. Unimpressive by today's standards, but it was exciting and cool as can be in '02. I gradually moved on to Mark Bradley (bradleyfett) styrene kits . My first HUGE prop build was the old school Bradleyfett jet pack (remember that build guys?). I vividly remember assembling that pack with CA glue and accelerator (ah the fumes!!) and then spraypainting it on my fire escape in NYC. While the pack turned out awesome, man what a frustrating process! Then came Richies Armor, and, later, MLC (man oh man the thrill of opening that MLC Jango helmet from Rex). And oh, how we all used to drool over Seeker's latest Jango updates, and BKBT's 'stellar designs' websites.

Over the years, and endless upgrades, and tweaks, I was fortunate enough, and, thankfully, gainfully employed enough, to acquire some of the best Fett parts out there (I didnt forget you, Asok, my friend), which steers me from memories of old (yay! some readers may say) to the topic of this thread.

As you can see from the above, I have been doing this a LONG time, and I am writing this to praise the works of two of our artisans here on TDH - MOW Studios and Fettpride.

With Fettpride, I have been lucky enough to have acquired a few FP Fett parts through the years, starting with an incredible pair of FP Jango gauntlets in 2003-04 which I still have to this day, all the way to his latest FP v3 Boba Armor. I have been consistently impressed with the manufacture, skill, packing, shipping, and all around customer service with FP and would like to take this opportunity to: a) sing praise and b) thank him for his years of endless perfectionism.

Now, MOW Studios. I have seen MOW Studios grow throughout the years, seeing his parts on the boards and occasionally on various Fett suits at Cons throughout the years. However, I have never owned any MOW parts. UNTIL NOW. On Monday, I received a box pf parts from MOW that, quite literally, blew my mind. Everything was assembled, trimmed, and primered. The packing and shipping were perfect. Communication was steady and informative. And the parts, you may ask, absolutely clean (did I mention clean?) and proportionate, and, literally, perfect. It felt like that time back in '02 when I opened that Bradleyfett Jet Pack kit, or that time in '04 when I got my first FP kit - just like a little kid at Christmas.

In any event, gentlemen, MOW and FP, I write this to say "thank you".

And to the newer guys here on TDH, I write this to say, you aint got no idea how lucky you are to be on TDH in 2009, why when I first started I used to walk to school 9 miles, each way, in the snow, uphill (or the functional equivalent thereof in the Fett parts world - building a v1 MB jet pack kit!:lol:)....

Thanks for listening....

I concur OSK! I cut my teeth on the bradley fett kits back in '02 as well! It is truly amazing what has become available recently. I love that this hobby keeps evolving. Yes, FP does some fantastic work!
Well, as someone who has also been upgrading and upgrading, and upgrading since 2000, I have to agree with you OSK!!!!!!! You guys really don't know how lucky you are, and yes....its incredible to see how far things have progressed over the years. There was a time, when I felt we would never get close to achieving a screen accurate ESB, but these days, that seems entirely possible, and it just keeps getting better!!!! I've never had any MOW stuff, but I will say that FP has really taken us to a new milestone with his incredible stuff!!!!!!!!!

Yep, I completly agree. I (sadly)dabbled on EBAY for a while before finding TDH, and quickly purged EVERY item that I had purchased there. I can unequivocally say that without FP and MOW(and a few others of course), I would never have completed my fett within 2 years. These guys deliver unparalleled props, with equal customer service to boot. When I get the "thank you " at cons and troops, for having such a sweet costume, that thanks really goes to these guys. And of course, TDH for providing the forum to interact wit these guys.
So, we are DEFINETELY lucky, and Thanks as well guys!!!
I'm not an old member, maybe a Mid-Member, but I also have seen a lot of progress here. IMO when the FP V.2 armor came out, it was the new standard. After, yes after, I saw the old threads of the first FP Boba gauntlets that FP had on his website, this really was a new standard! I was amazed of how the products had evolved!

And now, in the last months a lot of discoverments have been done, I have never seen so many, really, the end of 2008 and the 2009 have been two great years.

I don't have anything from MoW, but I'm sure it's awesome, as the FP products. Also other members had raised the bar of 'standard'.

Nice thread OSK :thumbsup:
i have to agree...i have purchased gauntlets and a jet pack from MOW and some armor from Fettpride, and everything was top notch, down to the customer service...:cheers
Back to strolling down memory lane...How many of you guys were into this when the Don Post lifesize Fett statues came out???? I wanna say they were like 1998, 1999???? I remember thinking, that that would be the ultimate!!!!!!!!!!! Never thought we would be able to top that!!!!!!!!!!!! Here we are about 10 years later, and most of us have suits that are 10x better than those statues!!!!! Just a funny memory! :)
GREAT THREAD SEAN! Man, talk about a stroll down memory lane!

I remember back in 2001 putting together my first version of my Fett. What a difference compared to now! Honestly, it was like the dark ages back then. New folks honestly have no concept of just how much better it is now. There wasn't any FP kit to just buy... no Boba Maker... no MOW Studios and not even any Wizard of Flight plans! :lol:

My first Boba was an old Don Post helmet repainted by your's truly, home sewn parts (including boot coverings on an old pair of Vans) and I too had a foam jet pack made from one of LisaFett's amazing tutorials. Back then she was the Queen of scratch built packs!

I wore version 1 of my suit to Celebration II in Indianapolis in 2002 for it's debut. I was fortunate to meet many of the other ol' timers from the old As You Wish forums. People I looked up to for their Fett knowledge... BobaFettish, BobaGoat, Dallas, Fettcicle.... Good times, good times.

To all the "new" prop builders, TDH members, artisans and folks who've done years of research on Boba Fett and all his details....

My first Boba was an old Don Post helmet repainted by your's truly, home sewn parts (including boot coverings on an old pair of Vans) and I too had a foam jet pack made from one of LisaFett's amazing tutorials. Back then she was the Queen of scratch built packs!

HA! I knew someone would remember the LisaFett jet pack!!! Hers were awesome, mine never turned out half as good!!
I followed those instructions to the letter, down to the styrofoam cutter tool (a hot battery powered wire) to the bouquet holder as the rocket tip (dont ask)!
Yup, me too man! I had that same styrofoam bouquet holder! Do you remember looking for gopher poison thingies too? I can't remember if that was part of her design or someone else's. HAHAHA
The gopher poison was Mark Bradley's idea. And yes, I bought some off of the internet at the time!! Those gopher poison containers were perfect for the body of the jet pack missile!
I still have the yellow container of gopher poison in my garage.:lol: My wife always asks, 'now why do you have gopher poison?' followed by 'I shouldn't have asked.' No, I'm not poisoning the wildlife.
Whew...the old days of cobbling together a nice accurate Fett costume.... indeed the dark ages. The "noobs" have no idea how far things have really come in the 10 years since I first looked into doing a Fett. "DeanO" had at the time the best (arguably) ROTJ Fett I had seen and still looks great looking back! His was my inspiration. I remember when GF even had an armor sculpt in fiberglass for a short term sneek peek. Then there were the countless renditions to wade through and assembly...don't even get me started on what it took to build and assemble those monstrosities that were available back when.... I too went through multiples of pieces including 5 sets of gauntlets 'til fettpride magnificently reproduced the ESB gauntlets as faithfully as could have been done...'til V2 ;). Then there were the 4 different belts, 3 different jet packs, 3 sets of armor, 2 helmets and a partridge in a pear tree:lol:

All in all, years of work and tons of cash, but totally worth it! Yeah, I could improve on some pieces and do a repaint on others, but at this juncture in life I just don't have the time and can't justify spending any more. It's relegated to a mannequin permanently so I still get a kick out of just looking and admiring what I built and how many people I met along the way and friends I made.

What's interesting Sean is that in our small state there are three of us on TDH!

Neat thread!:cheers
Look at this parade of the old guard! Guess I would have to count myself as one of them! From Mark Bradley (who I bought my first set of gauntlets from so many years ago I can't even imagine it) to FP to our latest contributors like Mojo-Fett, TDh has been blessed with an unbroken line of unbelievably talented people!
Well I purchased a mow jet pack a few weeks ago and I will say its one of the highlights of my fett suit. I absolutely love it. It is so well constructed and its just awesome. Thanks so much to you and all the other makers of fett parts for taking the time to recreate these priceless pieces of art for us newer members.;)
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