MLC Jet Pack retired...New one on way...

Bountys Hunted

Well-Known Hunter
MLC Jetpack retired...New one on way...

Well, it finally happened. The venerable :jet pack mold needs to be retired. It has served many Boba's and Jango's well over these past 3 years.

A moment of silence...

Okay, now that's over with-

MLC Jet Pack is going to be a new design. Elements that have been requested, or had to be acquired from others will be incorporated into the new design. (what, you think we've been asleep??) 8)

If you're a accuracy detailed Fett Fanatic (like we are...) You'll be happy!

We left off the Beacon and Stablizer off the original :jet pack due to TDH customizers providing working aluminum ones, but no more...not this time.

For prior :jet pack users, contact me for an upcoming Upgrade Kit if interested. Not sure exactly what will be in the kit, just that upgrades will be in it.

Come January 1st, all JP's will be the newer design model.

and now back to our regularly scheduled programming...
Wow!!!! Thats some pretty great news. Do you know Rex if the upgrade kit will include a more accurate rocket???? Can't wait to see the new design.
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Oh man, I know what to ask for, for my Birthday now! I can't wait!

Keep us posted Rex!:)
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doh - I am waiting for my jet pack I ordered near the end of Oct - I guess my pack is the final nail in the coffin. Sorry everyone ;)

Great news Rex - and here I thought I was done spending money on my pack :facepalm

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I'm sorry Loranar- This is exactly what I had feared. Jazz some people and upset others. :( It's such a double edged sword.

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I am definitely interested in the new design. Rex, put me on the list for one of these, as well as another ROTJ rifle. Expect a PM sometime on January. :)
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I knew I was holding out for a reason. Thanks for the info Rex
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Cool. I could put a list of things the i think need to be fixed. hopefully he hasnt started the reworking yet.

I think this pack is the best thing to have as far as costuming. if it gets better I think we're all set.
Awesome news!
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Man the option for an upgrade kit is great for all of us current MLC jet pack owners. I am excited to see what comes out.!
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I think there is only one big problem with it. That is the main tank above the keys should be of smaller diameter than the main tank below the keys. Look at this example (MLC on left, real thing on right).

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Bountys Hunted said:
I'm sorry Loranar- This is exactly what I had feared. Jazz some people and upset others. :( It's such a double edged sword.


No worries Rex - I am not even upset :) I think we are all aware of the never ending upgrade bug - this applies for the prop builders too :lol:

Any idea when the upgrade kit will be ready? No sense starting on my pack until I have the complete set :)

Speaking of which - any news on my pack ;)

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I'm in the same boat as Loranar_Fett. My pack has been on order for a while now. Has it already been made using the old mold? If so, will it be shipped with an upgrade kit? Or has it already shipped and I just had really bad timing? :facepalm If it hasn't shipped I'd be more than willing to wait a bit longer for an upgrade. Bounties Hunted, you can PM me with details, and no, I won't be upset if I'm getting an older model.;)
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Seeker- your help would be invaluable. We want to get as many reference pics/sizes as possible to re-make the :jet pack

The most current JP order is finishing up the final run of the JP Version 2.

No pricing yet on the Upgrade Kit.

As to what's in it, nothing is firmed up yet. But, if you can keep a secret, a Rocket and Thrusters would be items 1 and 2...8)

All :jet pack orders taken as of this month will be Version 2. However, I do not have a timetable for delivery as we are working on the Revisions/Modifications.

The Current run of JPs is close to finishing up. The Halloween Crunch this year left Mardon just doggone whipped tired. He worked looonnnnggggg days for weeks to try and make everyone happy for Halloween.

The redesigned JP will cost about $30-more.

Please have patience, and help us make the "TDH-Approved" :jet pack a reality!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Thanx alot for that update Rex!!! I'm really jazzed about this, and look forward to seeing pics!!;)
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alright, I made things easier. I have talked to MLC redoing his pack in the past and it was in passing that we might consider doing another one. Its great to hear that a new pack is on the way and what I did was compile all MINE and SEEKER'S alterations we would make to UPDATE the older pack based on our previous discussions with MLC.

if you or anyone follows this link :

you can see what we were proposing- in fact, I have also instituted a voting system where the viewer could rate excellent, very good, good, etc. More or less, what we could do is use this rating system as to what changes are MOST important to viewers versus what is minor...I could definitely post the results afterward, but its a great way to find out what people are thinking.
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