your comment about my helmet

Dark Amon

Active Hunter
hi, i want your opinion about my helmet
i buy it in 1999 in a shop, the mark was "a la carte" and behin the helmet is write "1997 lucasfilm"
i never touch him and he was make with a sorte of plastic (the helmet smell chewing-gum ! really !) this plastic was soft (i difficult to translate in french is "mou") the helmet is deformed a little.
i think repaint it, but do you tink it's a good base for costume or you think i must buy a good helmet ?
if you think it's a good base, what are you doing to change him for make a very good helmet ?



thanks for your help
Looks like a rubies to me. I know some members have made these look half decent, but it takes ALOT of work.

Good luck;)
Dark Amon.

Quote "but do you tink it's a good base for costume or you think i must buy a good helmet ?" Un-Quote

With the helmet being such an important part of your costume...

And with the selection of helmets available these days?...:thumbsup:

Personally i'd say No to a Rubies helmet!:puke

Master-Jedi-Allma said:
Dark Amon.

Quote "but do you tink it's a good base for costume or you think i must buy a good helmet ?" Un-Quote

With the helmet being such an important part of your costume...

And with the selection of helmets available these days?...:thumbsup:

Personally i'd say No to a Rubies helmet!:puke


I echo this. The helmet is the most important part and should not be scimped on. Its the difference between looking like a guy dressed up as Boba, or Boba Fett himself.
*looks at his old pics of the dp97*

I have to agree. I do believe that is a Rubies. It's not the circumfrence damage I am concerned with as I believe that could be fixed with the metal hoop and a lot of time and patience. My major concern would be the dome being flat. Aside from that, and despite my personal thoughts on Rubies, I have seen some of our members make art from them, so ANYTHING is possible.

However, given the fact that I have gone through 3 helmets in a year, all in reverse order (DP 97, 96 and 95), if you cant get an MS2 or another helmet that is not a DP or Rubies, I would HIGHLY advise getting your clutches on a DP 95 or even 96. I never had nothing but problems with my 97.

Good luck!!
Try contacting Marrow_Sun. He knows where you can get a nice accurate Boba helmet, made of fiberglass. You'll be much happier with one of those. :)
thanks for your comment !
What sort of helmet i can buy ?
what do you think about the Bobamaker helmet ?
is it the correct size ?
Im saving up for a BobaMaker... so Id go with that, but if that's to expansive, then I'd go with a Rubies Jango Fett...

myn came out ok, although it's a little small..

but go for Boba Maker or Marrow Sun if you want a bloody awesome helmet.
Reshape that thing and re-inforce it, Lay some paint down on it and you'll have a nice looking helmet that will serve you until/if you buy a better one :thumbsup:
Sir BobaFett said:
Reshape that thing and re-inforce it, Lay some paint down on it and you'll have a nice looking helmet that will serve you until/if you buy a better one :thumbsup:
really ? you think that i can have a good helmet if y a work of my old helmet ?
i think it's possible to Reshape it but i dont know is the result is very good !
i think to cut the helmet for put a new T-visor and when is cutting i can enlarge it by heating it with a burner, after i can fix it with steel circle. In the end i repaint it.
What do you think about it ?
Dark Amon said:
really ? you think that i can have a good helmet if y a work of my old helmet ?
i think it's possible to Reshape it but i dont know is the result is very good !
i think to cut the helmet for put a new T-visor and when is cutting i can enlarge it by heating it with a burner, after i can fix it with steel circle. In the end i repaint it.
What do you think about it ?

You can also re-shape it by leaving it out in very hot sun, I fibre glassed my helmet but I have heard good things about the metal ring method, I've seen one or two modified rubies helmets on here that really look the business, no reason why yours shouldnt be among'st them :thumbsup:
The fact remains thats its a small helmet. Ask yourself these questions.

Can I live with the size of it?
Can I paint it and be happy with it?
Will I put alot of time in this helmet with material cost and still end up unhappy?
Can I put Fans inside -Almost a haveto trust me- And still have enough room for my head?

Those are things I considered, and I thought my 95donpost was gonna be good enough untill I tried to put two fans in it.....Not enough room.
thanks for your answer !
i think that i wait before to buy a bobamaker's helmet (I must make this kind of purchase discreetly if not my wife will kill me! :lol: ) because it's expensive !
Of course i want a perfect look for my costume but i must be patient because of the money ! In waiting i can remake my helmet !
Another major consideration when deciding on your helmet should be your size. If you are about 6 feet tall (1.8 meters) the Rubies helmet will look too small for your size. If you are shorter a movie sized helmet will probably look silly with your costume.

Check out this post to see some great redone Rubies helmets and why your size makes a difference.

All of your stuff looks great so far mon ami!
If you already bought the helmet, BUILD IT! You can give it the proper flare with a metal coat hanger fastened with 2-part epoxy. Use a sandable primerer as a base! Other wise your paint wont dry! Paint your helmet and apply the custom T-visor. If you don't like it SELL IT on EBAY on start over! Now you have gotten experience and will be ready for a more detailed helmet. It's all trial & error. Good luck and more important HAVE FUN! :cheers
Sorry dude, best think is to get a new casted helmet..and selling that Rubies trash to cover the money for the tools and paint for that new work.

Helmet is the most important part of your costume..
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