My ESB Boba Fett helmet


New Hunter
Hi all, first post here on TDH. Here is my ESB boba fett helmet I won in a raffle from Minutefett painted by NixFx props. When i got it the rangefinder didnt fit the stalk so ive bought a new rangefinder from terminal fettler which he painted too and a hollow stalk from Machine craft replicas. I’m planning to buy a light kit for it as well.
Do you guys think it meets the 501st requirements? Please give your guys opinions negative or positive


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I would say from filming images of the range finder for ESB there should be less weathering than when it was filmed for SEs.
Im planning to do some weathering to the rangefinder stalk with some rust paint, but I’m unsure how strict they are when it comes to approving the stalk itself. I’m going to try to follow this post.

ESB: Weathering the Stalk

I’m unsure if I’m just going to buy some acrylic paint from a local store and apply it with a brush or source some Humbrol weathering powder.
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