What’s happened to Woodman?

Unfortunately, expect a long wait. Hopefully you are not in a rush for your.
I have seen stuff in the forums (I don't know where) and people are selling some of his kits off as they aren't using them. Or there are other manufacturers.
Like I have said multiple times, it's ok for him to take a while for quality products, as long as he is forthcoming about it.
Same thing happened when I wanted to order Boba gloves from someone. That seller only does runs of 10 pairs of gloves a couple times per year. He let me know he won't be doing any for a few months, so I just put myself on the wait list.

I myself and planning on starting a sales thread for some TK stuff, but it will be very limited runs as well and I'll let people know that.
So its been almost 8 months now since i submitted my payment to woodman where he told me to send him the money under friends & family via Paypal for the ROTJ braids, even wrote to him almost a week ago to ask for a status of my order and the man has not responded. I seriously dont understand this way of communication when doing business in any sort of way especially after giving your money months ahead and then not respond or anything. :(
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So its been almost 8 months now since i submitted my payment to Woodman where he told me to send him the money under friends & family via Paypal for the ROTJ braids, even wrote to him almost a week ago to ask for a status of my order and the man has not responded. I seriously dont understand this way of communication when doing business in any sort of way especially after giving your money months ahead and then not respond or anything. :(
That is certainly a long wait. I do think woodman has a lot going on. From what I've read he does a lot of other projects. I have an ammo belt on order and he messaged me a few weeks ago about nailing down a ship date and hasn't messaged back. Not to excuse the lack of comms, but I believe he means well. His notifications may not be setup on here either. I know I set mine to where I get an email every time someone responds to or likes my post. He may not have his that way due to the volume of the orders he gets which is understandable. I have pretty much waited on every other aspect of my Fett products for months though as well. My first set of armor took 7 months. My gloves from clothears is up to 36 weeks or more. TRamp electronics could be around the same. Flightsuit was also 6 to 7 months. Ect. Communication was great with those vendors but there were also other means of contact aside from on TDH. That may be a good option for him having an alternate means of contact going forward. Hopefully he will be on soon and let us know. I'm looking forward to my belt as well.
That is certainly a long wait. I do think woodman has a lot going on. From what I've read he does a lot of other projects. I have an ammo belt on order and he messaged me a few weeks ago about nailing down a ship date and hasn't messaged back. Not to excuse the lack of comms, but I believe he means well. His notifications may not be setup on here either. I know I set mine to where I get an email every time someone responds to or likes my post. He may not have his that way due to the volume of the orders he gets which is understandable. I have pretty much waited on every other aspect of my Fett products for months though as well. My first set of armor took 7 months. My gloves from clothears is up to 36 weeks or more. TRamp electronics could be around the same. Flightsuit was also 6 to 7 months. Ect. Communication was great with those vendors but there were also other means of contact aside from on TDH. That may be a good option for him having an alternate means of contact going forward. Hopefully he will be on soon and let us know. I'm looking forward to my belt as well.
Woodman also needs to be transparent with turnaround times as back when I ordered he quoted 4 weeks and then took several months.
I’m just terrible at communicating. I’ve lumped together the guy that has been waiting a while that has sent 1-2 pms since we first talked and the guy that pms constantly for a ping. I get it. I’m bad at responding to pms. It takes a lot of time to reply to 20 each on lots of locations daily.

I’m not gonna leave anyone in the lurch. I apologize for taking so long it just takes time.

I’m just terrible at communicating. I’ve lumped together the guy that has been waiting a while that has sent 1-2 pms since we first talked and the guy that pms constantly for a ping. I get it. I’m bad at responding to pms. It takes a lot of time to reply to 20 each on lots of locations daily.

I’m not gonna leave anyone in the lurch. I apologize for taking so long it just takes time.


put me down for ROTJ braids, I can wait for as long as it is required! lol
How long do I have to wait for my braids to come by, a year? I’ve sent PM and no response. It’s been 10 months already since I sent the full payment plus have tried to communicate personally and get no reply whatsoever. I honestly don’t understand this way of having this type of buisness practice as a vendor to the community :-/
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Dank Farrik
I totally understand your frustration. BUT, for what its worth, I've seen this from more than a few members. And based on their experiences, I'm confident you'll get your ROTJ Braids. And while Woodman admitted to being bad at getting to PM's, many of the members here on TDH claim his legitimacy, and vouch for his end product(s), myself included! My experience was that I was quoted 4 weeks for the turnaround time, but I got my ROTJ Braids 13 weeks later.

I do hope it isn't too much longer for you.

If Woodman was honest at the time of purchase it wouldn’t be an issue. He told me 4 weeks and I too waited months.

If Woodman knows he can’t deliver in 4 weeks, then he shouldn’t sell quoting that as the turnaround time.

Other vendors, such as Bobamaker and Clothears tell you up front how long it could potentially be before you’ll get your items in hand. They’re usually close or they provide updates on what’s going on.

Woodman was quick and responsive up to the point of sale and then not so much afterwards. It’s not a good way to do business regardless of the end product.
Other vendors, such as Bobamaker and Clothears tell you up front how long it could potentially be before you’ll get your items in hand. They’re usually close or they provide updates on what’s going on.

Woodman was quick and responsive up to the point of sale and then not so much afterwards. It’s not a good way to do business regardless of the end product.
Totally agree. Not a good way to do business. Especially, when I've been spoiled by the outstanding customer service of Boba Maker. I know when I've sent Daz (Boba Maker) an email, he responds (Pretty quick too) - usually within a couple hours. Its this level of customer service that every vendor should strive for. When I built my Fett I was warned by many people that Boba Maker was on the spendy side - but the way it was presented on his website and the interaction I got from Daz. I felt like it was a "You get what you pay for" kinda thing. And for me, the way he does it, held value for me. Concerning the end product.....if what we got back was garbage. Then yeah Woodman woulda fell by the wayside long ago. But.....Woody's stuff isn't garbage. Its actually, really, REALLY good. And obviously the main reason why folks continue to support him and give him praise. In my research, I've not come across anyone who does a Wookie Braid.....to the level of the product Woodman puts out.

But as you pointed out. Is having a super good product and bad communication worth it? To some, it very well may be. But I agree with you that the expectation on when you'll receive the products(s) should be set in a realistic manner, and if not met, then at least an update should be provided on when to expect it. And not have the quoted date come and go and no communication on what is going on. I understand that that's what gets folks....on edge.

But I also get Woodman's predicament too. I understand he is not as established as a Boba Maker or some of the other vendors out there. Daz has told me he employs more than a few people to assist him with his Boba Maker stuff. Whereas with Woodman, it seems like a one man show. My understanding is that Woodman does more than just Wookie Braids, Capes, Ammo Belts and Girth Belts. Sounds like he does way more stuff than that, and more than likely why it is difficult for him to keep up. But like you, I believe none of this excuses the lack of communications. I'm just gonna guess there are many automated customer service platforms out there to assist with that task. But it certainly isn't my place to tell Woodman how to run his business either.

It certainly sounds like he listens to his customers and knows he has a communication issues. Woodman just needs to take that next step in remedying that issue.

Trust me. I feel your pain.
I also had the same issues but can vouch the product is worth it.
I also understand what Woodman is going through.
I’m looking to start my own line of TK bucket internal parts kits for display and wearing. I started printing and testing files in the summer, but then I had issues with my new 3D printer, life and family stuff popped up, etc.
So even though people have been begging for them I am nowhere near ready for sales.
I think the best way to handle sales like these is to build up a stock of 10 items, then post a thread saying first come first serve. Once they are gone let people know it will take 4 or 6 months to make new sets, then repeat.

I have been waiting for new ESB gloves to be made (forgot the guy who makes them) as they are the last things I need. Months ago he said he was taking a break from making them so he could concentrate on family obligations. This is fair and understandable in our garage industry.

Hopefully Woodman gets back to you, but I would post a review on his sales thread telling people it could be up to one year before you get your items.

Best of luck!
Totally agree. Not a good way to do business. Especially, when I've been spoiled by the outstanding customer service of Boba Maker. I know when I've sent Daz (Boba Maker) an email, he responds (Pretty quick too) - usually within a couple hours. Its this level of customer service that every vendor should strive for. When I built my Fett I was warned by many people that Boba Maker was on the spendy side - but the way it was presented on his website and the interaction I got from Daz. I felt like it was a "You get what you pay for" kinda thing. And for me, the way he does it, held value for me. Concerning the end product.....if what we got back was garbage. Then yeah Woodman woulda fell by the wayside long ago. But.....Woody's stuff isn't garbage. Its actually, really, REALLY good. And obviously the main reason why folks continue to support him and give him praise. In my research, I've not come across anyone who does a Wookie Braid.....to the level of the product Woodman puts out.

But as you pointed out. Is having a super good product and bad communication worth it? To some, it very well may be. But I agree with you that the expectation on when you'll receive the products(s) should be set in a realistic manner, and if not met, then at least an update should be provided on when to expect it. And not have the quoted date come and go and no communication on what is going on. I understand that that's what gets folks....on edge.

But I also get Woodman's predicament too. I understand he is not as established as a Boba Maker or some of the other vendors out there. Daz has told me he employs more than a few people to assist him with his Boba Maker stuff. Whereas with Woodman, it seems like a one man show. My understanding is that Woodman does more than just Wookie Braids, Capes, Ammo Belts and Girth Belts. Sounds like he does way more stuff than that, and more than likely why it is difficult for him to keep up. But like you, I believe none of this excuses the lack of communications. I'm just gonna guess there are many automated customer service platforms out there to assist with that task. But it certainly isn't my place to tell Woodman how to run his business either.

It certainly sounds like he listens to his customers and knows he has a communication issues. Woodman just needs to take that next step in remedying that issue.

I never had a problem with Woodman, he takes time but the products worth the wait. As for emails, he's usually replied within a week or so. I've had worse vendors/people to deal with.
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