Flight Suit Dying ESB flight suit from grey to Blue


New Hunter
Hello! I was wondering if anyone has dyed a flight suit that started off grey, to the correct blue for ESB. I’ve noticed a lot of peoples suits start as white, I’m worried that my flight suits base color may be slightly too dark, and so I thought I’d ask here for any opinions regarding the matter. I know Rit evening blue is the go-to color, thanks for any tips or recommendations! I can always try and find some scrap fabric in a similar color to test on, but just thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask!


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I would wash it a few times to see if I could lighten the grey to begin. If that doesn't work maybe some dye remover to get it a little lighter before hitting it with blue.
I’m gonna give that a go, and i’ll experiment with the dye remover too, thanks for the tip! Probably should’ve washed it before trying it on honestly… but it feels well fitted!
Who is the maker of your flight suit?
It is from UMB Leather on Etsy, though their etsy shop seems to be closed now, they have a website as well. I haven’t seen them mentioned around here before, but I got the whole flight suit, vest, neck seal, ankle wraps etc. custom fitted at a great price. They offer custom colors as well, I asked them after I’d already placed my order (I knew it would be grey) if they were able to make it in the more correct blue for ESB, and they told me yes.
It is from UMB Leather on Etsy, though their etsy shop seems to be closed now, they have a website as well. I haven’t seen them mentioned around here before, but I got the whole flight suit, vest, neck seal, ankle wraps etc. custom fitted at a great price. They offer custom colors as well, I asked them after I’d already placed my order (I knew it would be grey) if they were able to make it in the more correct blue for ESB, and they told me yes.
I see. Your best bet is to do what was already mentioned and try to get it to a lighter grey first by using the dye remover and then start dying it with the blue in small increments as to not get it too blue.
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