General Arkady ROTJ Hero Flightsuit color help!


New Hunter
Hey guys, been working on my ROTJ hero Boba for 501st approval and my flightsuit has been bugging me. I purchased a Arkady ROTJ flightsuit back in 2021 then followed Toolguy’s dyeing method to try and lighten it up. After doing the dyeing method of the RIT dye baths and bleach baths it didn’t seem to change/brighten the color at all. I feel like the flightsuit is too dark because shouldn’t it almost match the same color as the vest? I’ve also heard to leave it in the sun for multiple weeks to fade/brighten the flightsuit up but I live in Oregon where it isn’t very sunny. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


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Hello, I know I'm about a month late to this post.

I have also tried to lighten mine with RIT dye remover, which also did not change the color much. I'm assuming it's probably some sort of polyester that will be resistant to fading. Lighting is a big factor with this particular flight suit, which you can see in your photos too. It looks much lighter (and more accurate color) in your outdoor lighting shot, and much darker in your indoor lighting.

I'm not an expert in the ROTJ hero costume, but I don't believe the flak vest and the flight suit are the exact same color.
Some have said the ROTJ hero flightsuit is the blue ESB one that was significantly faded. You can see here it's not identical to the vest.


One thing you could do if you are concerned about the contrast is to weather up the flak vest with greys/soot a bit to reduce the contrast between the two (Again, I'm not an expert on ROTJ or 501 so just an idea!)

Personally with mine, I think it looks fine in bright lighting so I'm not too worried about mine.
Let me know what you end up doing though!
Don’t use the CRL flightsuit as a guide. Use photos of the real thing. The flightsuit for ROTJ is a faded light blue, lots more weathering than ESB too.
While the flight suits are the same, ROTJ is far more faded. I would try another round or two of lightening your flight suit up with bleach washes again as it's still too blue. The flak vest is fine.
While the flight suits are the same, ROTJ is far more faded. I would try another round or two of lightening your flight suit up with bleach washes again as it's still too blue. The flak vest is fine.
Put the flightsuit into a bleach bath for a couple of hours and here are the results.
Looking better. The gloves and vest need weathering. Not making them darker but they're too clean if that makes sense.
Looking better. The gloves and vest need weathering. Not making them darker but they're too clean if that makes sense.
How would you go about weathering them? Plus should I do anything else to the flightsuit? I got 501st approved with it, the picture I showed was my very first troop with it!
Flightsuit is still way too dark, weathering style is all wrong as well, spats need to have a blueish tone to them, knees are too yellow, need some brown, chest plates needs some more correct weathering, overall needs a lot of work for this suit to be called ROTJ "Hero"
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