UPDATE! My helmet progress

DL44 Blaster

Well-Known Hunter
You'll have to excuse the terrible flash,but these are some quick shots I took of my bucket. I've been going at it for quite some time now........Once I finish the dome's final two major scratch's I can dullcote it and go back in with the silver. Then the final weathering to breath life into it!!! :thumbsup:


my helmet 4 (2).jpg

my helmet 5 (2).jpg

My helmet 6 (2).JPG

my helmet 7 (2).jpg

my helmet 8 (2).jpg

my helmet 9 (2).jpg
Thanks for the kind comments guys:o Yeah,I'm using an airbrush and RS's color list. I'm using an all topical method going mainly with what "Steve the Swede" did on his tutorial which is pencil in the details then go in after. It is insanely tedious,but the level of accuracy that can be achieved is ....insane.

Did I mention that I'm going insane:lol: ..................................

Very impressive indeed...how are you achieving your layered effects? Just wondering if you are using a technique that others don't. Again...very beautiful helmet! ESB right?

Keep us posted.
Fosterkeri said:
Very impressive indeed...how are you achieving your layered effects? Just wondering if you are using a technique that others don't. Again...very beautiful helmet! ESB right?

Keep us posted.

As for the layered effects I'm going totally topical with no masking whatsoever. I started with a gray primer base and went on top of that with the Pazer Olive green,then the Boxcar red,then the PRR Brunswick green. The back was a completely different story and is more of a mosaic which I believe the original has going on....I started with a "Dunkelblau blue" (spelling?) and then a wash using a VERY tight spore foam material with an acrylic flat black and then a wash with a green I'll have to check on. I then went back in with the blue and blended it all in. I personally think it looks great :)

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