Seamstress List

I wanna wait till I have their suits in my hand to send to them before I tell people to send in their stuff. She still has to sew the first round.

Zam I Am wrote:

I wanna wait till I have their suits in my hand to send to them before I tell people to send in their stuff. She still has to sew the first round.
Again, is this the same for those that are only getting patterns? My mom is eager to sew the suit and everytime I see her she wants to know when I'm going to get the pattern. :facepalm

I keep telling her to be patient, but mum's not a patient woman. :lol:
Ok-here's the situation... She's been learning that computer program all Dec. in order to grade the patterns better. The program won't allow her to grade patterns unless I add 5 more types of measurements to the measurements list, and she has to finish Rags and Lady Zam's suits too. But! I will be picking up the book and scanning those "new" measurements for you to make sure that you include before yall send in forms and $. The new measurements should be posted on Thursday or Friday, Feb 5th or 6th. I will email all those on the Seamstress list the link. Rags and Lady Zam's patterns are already made without the program, but everyone else's will need to send those new measurements in. So, you can send in the money and forms by Feb 15th. As before, first recieved, first served.
I see! I'll let mom know about the new measurements. Very cool! :)

Thanks ZIA!

Zam I Am wrote:

Ok-here's the situation... She's been learning that computer program all Dec. in order to grade the patterns better. The program won't allow her to grade patterns unless I add 5 more types of measurements to the measurements list, and she has to finish Rags and Lady Zam's suits too. But! I will be picking up the book and scanning those "new" measurements for you to make sure that you include before yall send in forms and $. The new measurements should be posted on Thursday or Friday, Feb 5th or 6th. I will email all those on the Seamstress list the link. Rags and Lady Zam's patterns are already made without the program, but everyone else's will need to send those new measurements in. So, you can send in the money and forms by Feb 15th. As before, first recieved, first served.
Ok, just talked to her tonight and she wants Rags and LadyZam to retake the new measurements too, before she cuts into the neoprene, just to double check and as a safety precaution. I haven't emailed anyone yet, cause my power adapter to my scanner broke, so I am doing it the slowwww way and taking pics of the measurements and then putting em up :rollseyes. As soon as I am done, I will let yall know. ;)
I just sent everyone on the list via email the link! Please pm me your email if you did not get the message. LadyZam and Zamsara, please give me your new email addy's, I got a failure notice.
The seamstress will not be measuring out the eyelets on the pattern, because depending on your own preference of eyelets, leather etc, it would be unwise for her to pre-mark them. I will post a pic latter today of an eyelet setter you guys may want to get.

The one on the left is a eyelet setter you can get at any fabric store. I think you can get hole punchers (on the right) at any craft store, but I bought mine from Tandy.

Once you get the vest made, you will want to mark your 9 eyelet holes in water soluable marker to be punched, (I made the mistake of not lining up both sides of my vest! ie, rt side front to right side back. Don't forget!) And, make sure to measure from outter rim to outter rim of eyelet. If you do center to center, just make sure to proportion evenly. Then you punch the holes- the smaller the better, because eyelets come off easy. Then you stick the eyelet through the hole, and use the setter to crimp the eyelet into place.
Update: The current date set for having everything done for those who have already submitted their info and payment is May 8. She has put the measurements into the computer and is working with the slopers. She has had many difficulties getting used to the new comp program. Please check the status on the first or second post for payment info and pm me if something's incorrect. P.S. EVERYONE ON THIS LIST, PLEASE EMAIL ME YOUR CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS. My computer got wiped out and all my email lists have been scrapped. My email addy is
Well I got an Email reply back today from the Seamtress. She says she hopes to have my Suit done by this weekend. So we shall see and if it is true then it is good news for the rest of you out there.
I hope so for you ....... and for the rest of us ;)
It'd be a good thing to get the suit. I'm hoping the rest of the costume will fall together afterwards. It feels like I'm never going to finish it ;)
I actually didn't get my bodysuit done until the last minute. It was one of the last things to get finished along with the vest and cumberbun. Ironically, you really should start on things like the skirt, and cumberbun too. So that everything comes together faster. Dont forget the purchasing suspenders, the buttons, painting the hoses, There's a LOT more than just the suit and vest. Chestplating, etc. I think KimnCris did it the same way, they didn't get their suit done until close to C2 either.

Zam I Am wrote:

Dont forget the purchasing suspenders, the buttons, painting the hoses, There's a LOT more than just the suit and vest. Chestplating, etc.

*slaps forehead* Oh man.... ;)

BTW did we ever figure out what kind of hoses those are? Should I cannibalize my vaccuum cleaner? What kind of paint would even stick to that stuff?

I don't even want to think about the chestplating! :eek: I'm still trying to get the lacing to be longer than 24" *but hey... at least I'm doing better than the 2" scrap lace I was cutting before! ;) *
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I replied in the hoser thread..

I will be picking up the stuff on Saturday at 12:00 pm after a parade I am doing with our Old Line Garrison. WHew! what a long wait. I hope to send everything out on Monday morning. I will be sending stuff in smaller boxes, those long ones are just not the right size. So, it should be neatly folded and sent. If you guys haven't sent me insurance for your packages, now would be the operative time. Otherwize, if it get's lost, it's not my fault.

Great news, Rags and LadyZ have their suits DONE.

It is up to the rest of you all on the list weather or not to send the $$ in now or later for your suits/patterns. I HAVE Rags and LadyZ's suits IN HAND. :D So, she's ready for the rest of you. She says, that she busted two of her sewing machines on the suits so far and took 10 hours just on the patterns alone per person. So, she is really being a trooper. Everytime she feels like giving up, I keep on encouraging her to stick it out. She keeps on waving her boxed needles showing me how many she broke everytime she had another welt seam to do. Neoprene sewing is fustrating and so are the custom patterns. So, be forewarned. Lets hope she doesn't quit on us, I propose you all mail her a word of encouragement - seriously* (since she doesn't have time to view the boards). She really has done a tremendous job after so many revisions.

Edit*4/15 Sorry, she aint done the vest patterns, she couldn't find the master pattern, so I lent her my vest. She said she'd call when she had em done. She finally found em today, rooting through all the revisions that matched my vest.

edit 5/20 :thumbsup: HORRAY!!! I will be picking EVERYTHING up on Saturday morning for all of those that have paid and ordered. I hope to also ship on Tuesday morning. Please make it simple for me by pm'ing me your home addresses again, so shipping can go smooth!!! If you are on the straps list, please pm me so that I can combine shipping costs and whatever is due. I can ship on Saturday if we get all the costs squared away before then. My email addy for paypal is

Edit 5/22 if I can ship today, Rags and Moncal should be happy with their suits soon.

Edit 5/25 Rags has his suit. If you guys would post how it fits, I would really like to know, as I am sure others are also interested.
First off got in my suit as Stated by ZIA and I love it so far. I have tried it on and find the pants a very good fit and the work out beautiful for me. The top is a little snug, but I expected that since after all we are dealing with Neoprene. My only complaint is really something that is not a fault of the seamtress as she did very good work, but I have found just a few spots That Iwill have to hand sew some touch ups in the seams. On the top at the bottom hem I have a broken thread that may unravel the entire hem if not carful so I am going to just hand sew that section to make sure it stays. Also on the pants at the point in the crotch where all the seams meet for the legs it did not get sewn as it is an untra thick area. again a bit of hand sewing and patience will solve that minor problem. Over all the suit is great and I love it. I honestly do not think we could have gotten a better product. I know I will be writting a letter to the Seamtress personally to thank her.
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