FIDM:Zam Pic list

Zam I Am

Well-Known Hunter
Well, it would be nice to have a laptop that I could unload my pics to while I am there, but don't, so, I thought we could just make sure to make a list of Zam pics/angles that need to be had and people who want to tackle a section to snap pics of would be great.


Helmet: Leather brim, how it meets the helm on all sides,
Binocs-close up of all the joint attatchments.
Back ear tabs- close up.
Earpieces meeting the helm. Diameter of circle and slotted mounts.
Undercarriage hose.
Any of the back of helm shots (probably impossible, but what the hey)

Veil: If it is up, how they connected it to the helm. Close up shot of the stitching from the front and the ridges near the earppiece. If it is down, the stitching of the red to the leather in front of it. And, which stitch seems to have been sewn first. Possible length and width determination.

Broach and Shawl: See how it is attatched to the shawl. Diameter check. Shaw length check of the back, if possible.

Undersuit: Close up Stitching of the top and pants. Length of the front part of the top-does it lay above the bust or just under it? How thick does the fabric look with the type of stitching used?

Vest: Length of the bottom hole to the bottom of the vest. Grommet colors. (Pics don't do justice) Close up of the zipper-what type was installed? Tons of side shots to see if anything under the chest armor can be revealed. How many layers does the vest seem to have glued together? How many facing pieces does it seem to have?

Chestplate: Lettering:Distance from the lettering to the bottom of plating. Lettering height and width. Width of bottom of plating to the top at the neckline. Fglass or vac'ing?
Sideshots to see if it reveals attatchment in the back under the shawl. Close up shot of the leather covering the plating on the sides and sideshots to see how it attatches to the >0< piece.

Lower armor:
>0< tongue hoseconnector: How does it attatch to the hose? Close up of the underside where the hose meets the piece. How was underwiring done to connect chestpiece? 2 part mold?
Leather Plate: how many pieces exactly? Side shot needed.
Horseshoe piece and half moon: Sideshots to see how they attatched it.
Depth of moon piece and it's attatchment to the nylon strap.
Ovarybits: Are there keys? Side shots and close up of how it meets the horseshoe piece.

Gauntlets: Upper cuff left side. Black leather interior? Need shot of the stitching. Inner painted leather?
Length measurement on cuff at highest point and lowest point. and oval interior.
Metal look, but is it metal? Fglass vac or other? Hinges? Foam interior?Lab metal, rubnbuff or aluminum resin, or other?
Cigar/finger looking thing on the underside of gauntlets. Width of leather trim on the underside near cigar. Close up of the mabari symbols/cuts.
Measurement of right gaunt height and widths respectively.

Gloves: Try to see how long the gloves extend if possible. Understitching on the gloves on palm. Stitching from above view. Length of thumb gaurd and knuckle gaurd length and width.
5 Greeblies: Measurements length and width; close up of paint job.
Mouse piece:
Football piece:
Bottle piece:
Leg piece:
Arm piece:

Cumberbund: Width, and stitching of bottom. Try to see where the holster lies on it to get possible length of shorter piece. Close up of the hooks used and the silver grommet in the front center. See how it ties on the side, and how leather is hidden.

Skirt: Top row squares length and width, Bottom row squares length and width. Shot at the waist to determine how it's attatched. Is it attatched to cumberbund as well? Corner ties of skirt lacing shots.

Shins: Shin lip- is it glued over, or stitched and re-folded over? Does it look like they have washers on the ankle gaurd? How deep are the grooves on the ankle gaurds?

Shoes and toe guard: How long are the toe guard spikes and cap? Does it look like it's screwed in, or a one piece, or cast all as one piece? Toe gaurd, is it fiberglass or resin? What of the metal look?

What of the dye job? What colors and finish? Any outer airbrushing?

Blaster: Top cap with rubber ring? any other grooves visible on the barrel? Handle- is it more square or rounded around? Width of the rounded base and the square base for the barrel.

Beads: Coloration permablue or black? Or darker?

Please post below if I have missed anything or if you want to tackle a section of pics that you will focus time on. Unfortuneatly, my 5 megapixel camera has an autoflash that I will have to tape up so my pics will not be as good. And, I don't have any lazer pointers for measurements. Donations of Lazer pointers welcome! hehe.
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Wow! That's quite a list! Don't know if there is much to add to it...

Skirt: Color variations - how different are the colors/shades. Chalky residue on some? Dunked or airbrushed?

Holster: Interior dyed/colored?

Regarding a camera. I bought a Canon Digital Rebel 8 megapixel, this year (I love it!) and a huge CF card... so between the two of us I'm sure we'll be able to gather plenty of pics! :D
MaulMaus said:
Regarding a camera. I bought a Canon Digital Rebel 8 megapixel, this year (I love it!) and a huge CF card... so between the two of us I'm sure we'll be able to gather plenty of pics! :D

How huge a cf card? And, might I add holy googly mooglys! 8 megapixells! by golly! That's like hitting an amoeba off of a hairfollical of a womprat!
The CF Card is 1 GB, and I have a backup card of 256 MB. I've never run out of memory - though I'm thinking this exhibition is the "real" test! ;)
Yeah MaulMaus, the exhibit’s lighting is pretty touch and go and a test of one’s patience. :lol:

I exhausted 100 shots on Zam in about 40 minutes, Zam I Am right about bringing a Laptop along so you can load up the pics and free up the memory card for more shots, that’s what I did and I got some pretty decent photos.

But you'll be there pretty much the whole day so you should be able to get some primo shots of Zam. :)

Patience, memory and extra batteries go along way. ;)
Great... just what I need - to test my patience! And more stuff to carry around! ;) Nope... don't want to forget those batteries!

All day huh? Hmmmm...Do they have a lunch/snack area there? I'm gonna need food or I'm gonna get cranky! ;)
There's a student store chock-full of snacks and drinks for all your consumption needs near the exhibit exit right near the elevators and next to the huge X-wing, can't miss it. :D
MaulMaus said:
The CF Card is 1 GB, and I have a backup card of 256 MB. I've never run out of memory - though I'm thinking this exhibition is the "real" test! ;)
That's about 600 pix max on 5 mega pixel rez. Half that on 8 megapix? Zam I ain't suggested a laptop we could burn cd's with so that we could save space But we dont' have that. Thought if someone else did that is going that day, we would be really really happy.

I only have a 256 mb card and 3 (very much) smaller cards. Plus, I have a sony 5 mega pixel that has auto focus and auto light unfortunately. So I have a feeling it's gonna give me really crappy pics and I will have to electric tape the flash. Will need to get some lazer pointers so we can put it into frame without having to write every measurement down.

Andy-Kun said:
There's a student store chock-full of snacks and drinks for all your consumption needs near the exhibit exit right near the elevators and next to the huge X-wing, can't miss it. :D

...but it's near the exit, does that mean we have to buy two tickets, one for commin back in? Mr. Black keeps on insinuating I should buy two tickets. :angry
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Actually when I attended I spoke to the security personnel and I asked that very same question and they didn't allow attendees to back into a section they were previous in, they could only go forward until then reached the exit.

However they did allow you to go back into the exhibit after you exited and went back to the entrance doors again. Very nice. :D

I was allowed to go back into the exhibit regardless as long as I had my ticket for the same day and waited in line again to be re-admitted. So no worries Zam! ;)
Well... I do have a laptop, but I wasn't keen on lugging it around the museum. I'm bringing it with me to CA so I can burn copies of the photos for ZIA and my other friends.

What I'm thinking of doing is setting the resolution lower for the non-Zam pics and then full-force for the Zam pics. Or I might just buy another CF Card... I dunno... lemme think about it.
Cool, just make sure to leave laptop in the car. If they will let us back in with our same day ticket, you can just unload your pics in the car, we'll get lunch, I will do use my changling powers and unzam and then we can go back in (too bad we'd have to wait in line, but as long as we don't have to pay again. That way no wasted money on a CF card.
I was able to take a quick peek this weekend and can you a few answers maybe...
Unfortunately I forgot my camera though. :( Also Zam is near the exit and had alot of people around her most of the time, but near the end of the day the crowds thinned.

Veil: If it is up, how they connected it to the helm. Close up shot of the stitching from the front and the ridges near the earppiece. If it is down, the stitching of the red to the leather in front of it. And, which stitch seems to have been sewn first. Possible length and width determination.

The veil is down and it attatched with a metal (probably screwed on) connector on one side and just has a little piece of bent wire on the other corner to attatch to the other ear. The red is barely sewn onto the leather at all. It is hemmed all the way around and then tacked to the leather in just a few spots.

Undersuit: Close up Stitching of the top and pants. Length of the front part of the top-does it lay above the bust or just under it? How thick does the fabric look with the type of stitching used?

The fabric is pretty thin, but your under suit looks like a really good match to the real one. Also, the leg panels look like an added piece on top vs just sewn in seams.

Vest: Length of the bottom hole to the bottom of the vest. Grommet colors. (Pics don't do justice) Close up of the zipper-what type was installed? Tons of side shots to see if anything under the chest armor can be revealed. How many layers does the vest seem to have glued together? How many facing pieces does it seem to have?

It was impossible to see the zipper, just that there was one.

Lower armor:
>0< tongue hoseconnector: How does it attatch to the hose? Close up of the underside where the hose meets the piece. How was underwiring done to connect chestpiece? 2 part mold?

You can't see this but it looks like the hose connector is just a hollow "front" with the hoses probably glued into the back. It is also all one piece hung together off of the chest armor just like yours.

Horseshoe piece and half moon: Sideshots to see how they attatched it.
Depth of moon piece and it's attatchment to the nylon strap.

I could not see this but I could see the metal pieces holding everything together as well as the nylon strap. There was nothing holding it to the suit at the bottom. I can't imagine how she ran with this on....maybe that's what the belt grommet was for....

Ovarybits: Are there keys? Side shots and close up of how it meets the horseshoe piece.

Yes there are keys! The teardrop pieces are "cut" very similar to yours at the top and the then the small keystone piece has been glued back into place. You can see the seams.

Gauntlets: Upper cuff left side. Black leather interior? Need shot of the stitching. Inner painted leather?
Length measurement on cuff at highest point and lowest point. and oval interior.
Metal look, but is it metal? Fglass vac or other? Hinges? Foam interior?Lab metal, rubnbuff or aluminum resin, or other?
Cigar/finger looking thing on the underside of gauntlets. Width of leather trim on the underside near cigar. Close up of the mabari symbols/cuts.
Measurement of right gaunt height and widths respectively.

It looks like metal, but I think it is actually metallized plastic like most of the other costumes. (Many of Padme's metal pieces are metallized stryene). Also you can see the metal hinge on the inside of the right gauntlet.

5 Greeblies: Measurements length and width; close up of paint job.
Mouse piece:
Football piece:
Bottle piece:
Leg piece:
Arm piece:

Couldn't see much, but I asked an employee and they told me that the arm pieces (wait for it) are MAGNETIC :) They have magnets in the suit and in the greeblies and the string is mostly for show.

Cumberbund: Width, and stitching of bottom. Try to see where the holster lies on it to get possible length of shorter piece. Close up of the hooks used and the silver grommet in the front center. See how it ties on the side, and how leather is hidden.

I noticed the front grommet, but I could not see any reason for it. I have no idea what that might have been there for.

Skirt: Top row squares length and width, Bottom row squares length and width. Shot at the waist to determine how it's attatched. Is it attatched to cumberbund as well? Corner ties of skirt lacing shots.

I couldnt see much, but did you know that there are 2 overlapping laces? You can see the 2 laces crisscrossing through each corner of each square.

Shoes and toe guard: How long are the toe guard spikes and cap? Does it look like it's screwed in, or a one piece, or cast all as one piece? Toe gaurd, is it fiberglass or resin? What of the metal look?

I couldn't see much, but what struck me about the toe spike is that they look ALOT like bone or ivory. they do not look like metal.

Blaster: Top cap with rubber ring? any other grooves visible on the barrel? Handle- is it more square or rounded around? Width of the rounded base and the square base for the barrel.

There is definitely a rubber ring and also a black screw on the underside going up into the back end of the barrel. I tried desperatly to get the guard to take it out of the holster, but he was not having any of it. Maybe as a girl you will have better luck than me! The edges are definitly more squared off than you might think. There is very little curve around the edge of the handle. However Dallas' gun is closer to the right size than mine for sure. It is VERY large.

Beads: Coloration permablue or black? Or darker?

They might be blued. It was hard to see in the dark, but they are just large metal ball bearing chain. Like on dogtags but much larger. 3/8 inch maybe? They didn't look like straight chrome, but they had a little shine to them.

hope you have fun! Let us know if you want to come to our bowling charity event on sunday before you fly home- it would be cool to see you guys :)

No camera? WHOT? LOL.. Can you visit the museum with us? I would have totally wanted to do the event, but I leave at like 10:00 in the morning on Sunday. :(

Wow, so many of the things we did to my costume was indeed correct!

Cept for the MAGNETS! That was a mind blowing thing. I would never have guessed. And...Metalized plastic? The only thing that I can think of is aluminum cast resin. Do you think they just electroplated everything? Which I find difficult to understand,, cause metal can only bond to metal right?
yeah- I know.

My friend took a few pictures for me, but I was already on the freeway when I realized I had no camera.

We were planning to go in Novemeber when the crowds died down and Kim's exams were done, so I wasn't worried about it but then I was sad that I didn't have it...

Unfortunately, we also have a charity picnic on Saturday too, so we won't be able to go to the museum that day either :(

Anyway- they were really nice to us in costume, so maybe while you are there if you wear yours they might cozy up to you enough to answer a few questions here or there too :)

oh- and you're gonna love it because you can get right up next to her. The right hand is only about 6" from the barrier so you can see everything really REALLY well. The lighting is soft, but there is no glass at least.

The metallizing is feasable- they use a copper paint or something and then bond the plating to that. Have you seen the large scale Terminator sculpture that looks like metal? It is actually plated plastic but it looks like chrome.

Trisha Bigger also described how they made some of Padme's metallic headresses for Ep II out of plated plastic at CII so I am guessing they did they same here- either Vac formed plastic or fiberglass with the silver plating. (the XWing pilot's chest boxes for instance are fiberglass.)

It goes on til the 10th of December. (so you have plenty of time to get your butt down/up here) Leias Bikini is one of the 1st ones you see. The classic costumes is the first display in the exhibit. And Slave leia is in on the right side corner. Very close :D
KnC-But according to someone on here, rubnbuff were the metallic chest parts for Jango. If anything, they would have had used that, right? BIBAGIRL... must ask bibagirl...

Oh, I heard that Dressing a galaxy book has several versions of the "deluxe authentic swatch book" do you know what the price is in Cali? I don't want to be shipped one that doesn't have the Zam swatches in there. Here's hoping that I can cancel my book order and buy the one in Cali. And, if the same book has the ESB vader swatches in the same book there too.

Foxbatkiller-thanks for the pantone thingee, Did you bring that with you to the museum? I'm thinking mebbe I should just print one out and get some more pantone matches.
Zam I am I believe the deluxe book is 295.00 and with the swatches it is more (forgot exactly how much more), but they were sold out of the swatches. They did however have one on display that they handed people to look over and inspect. I did notice the swatches for Jango were gone, as was Zams. This was in the store right as you enter the exhibit. The store at the exit has them above the cashier. The signed editions are sold out as well.
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