Zam I Am
Well-Known Hunter
Well, it would be nice to have a laptop that I could unload my pics to while I am there, but don't, so, I thought we could just make sure to make a list of Zam pics/angles that need to be had and people who want to tackle a section to snap pics of would be great.
Helmet: Leather brim, how it meets the helm on all sides,
Binocs-close up of all the joint attatchments.
Back ear tabs- close up.
Earpieces meeting the helm. Diameter of circle and slotted mounts.
Undercarriage hose.
Any of the back of helm shots (probably impossible, but what the hey)
Veil: If it is up, how they connected it to the helm. Close up shot of the stitching from the front and the ridges near the earppiece. If it is down, the stitching of the red to the leather in front of it. And, which stitch seems to have been sewn first. Possible length and width determination.
Broach and Shawl: See how it is attatched to the shawl. Diameter check. Shaw length check of the back, if possible.
Undersuit: Close up Stitching of the top and pants. Length of the front part of the top-does it lay above the bust or just under it? How thick does the fabric look with the type of stitching used?
Vest: Length of the bottom hole to the bottom of the vest. Grommet colors. (Pics don't do justice) Close up of the zipper-what type was installed? Tons of side shots to see if anything under the chest armor can be revealed. How many layers does the vest seem to have glued together? How many facing pieces does it seem to have?
Chestplate: Lettering
istance from the lettering to the bottom of plating. Lettering height and width. Width of bottom of plating to the top at the neckline. Fglass or vac'ing?
Sideshots to see if it reveals attatchment in the back under the shawl. Close up shot of the leather covering the plating on the sides and sideshots to see how it attatches to the >0< piece.
Lower armor:
>0< tongue hoseconnector: How does it attatch to the hose? Close up of the underside where the hose meets the piece. How was underwiring done to connect chestpiece? 2 part mold?
Leather Plate: how many pieces exactly? Side shot needed.
Horseshoe piece and half moon: Sideshots to see how they attatched it.
Depth of moon piece and it's attatchment to the nylon strap.
Ovarybits: Are there keys? Side shots and close up of how it meets the horseshoe piece.
Gauntlets: Upper cuff left side. Black leather interior? Need shot of the stitching. Inner painted leather?
Length measurement on cuff at highest point and lowest point. and oval interior.
Metal look, but is it metal? Fglass vac or other? Hinges? Foam interior?Lab metal, rubnbuff or aluminum resin, or other?
Cigar/finger looking thing on the underside of gauntlets. Width of leather trim on the underside near cigar. Close up of the mabari symbols/cuts.
Measurement of right gaunt height and widths respectively.
Gloves: Try to see how long the gloves extend if possible. Understitching on the gloves on palm. Stitching from above view. Length of thumb gaurd and knuckle gaurd length and width.
5 Greeblies: Measurements length and width; close up of paint job.
Mouse piece:
Football piece:
Bottle piece:
Leg piece:
Arm piece:
Cumberbund: Width, and stitching of bottom. Try to see where the holster lies on it to get possible length of shorter piece. Close up of the hooks used and the silver grommet in the front center. See how it ties on the side, and how leather is hidden.
Skirt: Top row squares length and width, Bottom row squares length and width. Shot at the waist to determine how it's attatched. Is it attatched to cumberbund as well? Corner ties of skirt lacing shots.
Shins: Shin lip- is it glued over, or stitched and re-folded over? Does it look like they have washers on the ankle gaurd? How deep are the grooves on the ankle gaurds?
Shoes and toe guard: How long are the toe guard spikes and cap? Does it look like it's screwed in, or a one piece, or cast all as one piece? Toe gaurd, is it fiberglass or resin? What of the metal look?
Holster: What of the dye job? What colors and finish? Any outer airbrushing?
Blaster: Top cap with rubber ring? any other grooves visible on the barrel? Handle- is it more square or rounded around? Width of the rounded base and the square base for the barrel.
Beads: Coloration permablue or black? Or darker?
Please post below if I have missed anything or if you want to tackle a section of pics that you will focus time on. Unfortuneatly, my 5 megapixel camera has an autoflash that I will have to tape up so my pics will not be as good. And, I don't have any lazer pointers for measurements. Donations of Lazer pointers welcome! hehe.
Helmet: Leather brim, how it meets the helm on all sides,
Binocs-close up of all the joint attatchments.
Back ear tabs- close up.
Earpieces meeting the helm. Diameter of circle and slotted mounts.
Undercarriage hose.
Any of the back of helm shots (probably impossible, but what the hey)
Veil: If it is up, how they connected it to the helm. Close up shot of the stitching from the front and the ridges near the earppiece. If it is down, the stitching of the red to the leather in front of it. And, which stitch seems to have been sewn first. Possible length and width determination.
Broach and Shawl: See how it is attatched to the shawl. Diameter check. Shaw length check of the back, if possible.
Undersuit: Close up Stitching of the top and pants. Length of the front part of the top-does it lay above the bust or just under it? How thick does the fabric look with the type of stitching used?
Vest: Length of the bottom hole to the bottom of the vest. Grommet colors. (Pics don't do justice) Close up of the zipper-what type was installed? Tons of side shots to see if anything under the chest armor can be revealed. How many layers does the vest seem to have glued together? How many facing pieces does it seem to have?
Chestplate: Lettering

Sideshots to see if it reveals attatchment in the back under the shawl. Close up shot of the leather covering the plating on the sides and sideshots to see how it attatches to the >0< piece.
Lower armor:
>0< tongue hoseconnector: How does it attatch to the hose? Close up of the underside where the hose meets the piece. How was underwiring done to connect chestpiece? 2 part mold?
Leather Plate: how many pieces exactly? Side shot needed.
Horseshoe piece and half moon: Sideshots to see how they attatched it.
Depth of moon piece and it's attatchment to the nylon strap.
Ovarybits: Are there keys? Side shots and close up of how it meets the horseshoe piece.
Gauntlets: Upper cuff left side. Black leather interior? Need shot of the stitching. Inner painted leather?
Length measurement on cuff at highest point and lowest point. and oval interior.
Metal look, but is it metal? Fglass vac or other? Hinges? Foam interior?Lab metal, rubnbuff or aluminum resin, or other?
Cigar/finger looking thing on the underside of gauntlets. Width of leather trim on the underside near cigar. Close up of the mabari symbols/cuts.
Measurement of right gaunt height and widths respectively.
Gloves: Try to see how long the gloves extend if possible. Understitching on the gloves on palm. Stitching from above view. Length of thumb gaurd and knuckle gaurd length and width.
5 Greeblies: Measurements length and width; close up of paint job.
Mouse piece:
Football piece:
Bottle piece:
Leg piece:
Arm piece:
Cumberbund: Width, and stitching of bottom. Try to see where the holster lies on it to get possible length of shorter piece. Close up of the hooks used and the silver grommet in the front center. See how it ties on the side, and how leather is hidden.
Skirt: Top row squares length and width, Bottom row squares length and width. Shot at the waist to determine how it's attatched. Is it attatched to cumberbund as well? Corner ties of skirt lacing shots.
Shins: Shin lip- is it glued over, or stitched and re-folded over? Does it look like they have washers on the ankle gaurd? How deep are the grooves on the ankle gaurds?
Shoes and toe guard: How long are the toe guard spikes and cap? Does it look like it's screwed in, or a one piece, or cast all as one piece? Toe gaurd, is it fiberglass or resin? What of the metal look?
Holster: What of the dye job? What colors and finish? Any outer airbrushing?
Blaster: Top cap with rubber ring? any other grooves visible on the barrel? Handle- is it more square or rounded around? Width of the rounded base and the square base for the barrel.
Beads: Coloration permablue or black? Or darker?
Please post below if I have missed anything or if you want to tackle a section of pics that you will focus time on. Unfortuneatly, my 5 megapixel camera has an autoflash that I will have to tape up so my pics will not be as good. And, I don't have any lazer pointers for measurements. Donations of Lazer pointers welcome! hehe.
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