Just received my "Big" book! All I can say is wow!!! Quite hefty and lots of little goodies stuck in all over the place.
Bad News: No Zam material

Consolation Prize: Good pics of the fabric that look to be pretty color accurate. There is also a closeup of the veil material. And more information on the costume:
"...is composed of a wide variety of materials: the individually hand-painted heavy leather shapes of the skirt, chosen mainly for their qualities in motion but also because it moved more silently ... molded Flexicast that was used to hold the curve of the front tubes; metal powders were incorporated into flexible polyurethane making small pouches; the fine leather covering the polyster resin of the arm protectors; Neoprene fabric for the body suit; a chamois suede face veil with red silk forming the lining; the lead beads handing from a trapuntoed belt with rubber accessories and boots ... "
So all in all, I think the Zammers (DCB, ZIA and MonCal especially) did a fantastic job on figuring out what everything was and making it look right!