mystery helmet re-paint COMPLETE! update 6/11


Well-Known Hunter
Hey all, here are a few pics of my recently re-painted mystery helmet. The only thing I have left to do is add padding on the inside to make it wearable. I'm still up in the air about whether I want to mist it with black and grey to dirty it up (didn't boba ever clean his stuff?) Also included in the photo album is my Jango helmet which started it's life as a fiberglass DP 95 recast.
Looks very good, Will you be blackening in the screen on the key holes?
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I'm curious, what color did you use for the upper cheeks and the lower-back portion of the head? Its looking great!
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The dome and the lower cheeks were painted with the testors panzer olivegrun 1943 . The upper cheeks are floquil weathered black. The back of the helmet is a custom mix of the olivegrun and testors sea blue. The visor area red was also custom mixed, but I doubt I'd be able to replicate it. Left ear is rustoleum satin sage (the old standby before Lee gave us the panzer olivegrun). And the right ear and back scratches are testors panzer dunkelgelb 1943. I'm thinking of painting that screen material in the back with my red visor concoction.
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Lookin' good my man! :)

I like the masking techinique myself. Once you get those details done it's going to look sweet. Keep us posted. :D

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Looking great! Can't wait to see it with the visor and RF installed!

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Dude, that's a sweet lookin bucket you got there! ;)
Excellent work!

Now all you need is a set of lights in that RF :lol: !


hansoloway wrote:

I'm still up in the air about whether I want to mist it with black and grey to dirty it up (didn't boba ever clean his stuff?)

It looks great!! I would weather it some more by paint misting or chalk dust, it is toooo clean.

Looks good other wise.

I have to say to both of you...GREAT JOB! I mean, for being just's a great job! I love them, and you already started with the first most important piece of equipment of all. :love:thumbsup: Wait until you get to the Jet Pack! :evil

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