
Well-Known Hunter
:thumbsup: I’m finally finished my ROTJ Fett Blaster…..took a little less than two weeks to build and Paint…

This is a Kit I bought off of EBAY:facepalm …It was in really bad shape and took a lot of work and Bondo to get it where I wanted it……

I built it using 2” PVC pipe and 1”3/4 PVC pipe, and other purchased parts… as the Kit didn’t come with all the pieces……
It also has an inaccurate working scope, But I like to think I came pretty close….may up-grade that later.

I wanted to try to “emulate” the Master Replicas Fett Blaster paint job…..meaning I completely HATE the way the actual one is painted…it seems too messy to me.

I want to thank Galactic Bounty Hunter, Batninja, Darthmiller, and Evan4218 for all the great input and critique you guys gave me…Thanks Guys

SO from start to finish….











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WOW AWESOME RIP!!....we're nobody special....just a bunch of Star Wars Dorks....well at least Darthmiller is..LOL! :lol:;)

Can't wait.:thumbsup:

You guys are a huge talent pool of Fett skills!! :thumbsup: I'm hoping some of your skills will rub off on me! :)

Er... not that I'll be rubbing myself on any of you guys or anything... :o :rolleyes

:lol: :lol:
You guys are a huge talent pool of Fett skills!! :thumbsup: I'm hoping some of your skills will rub off on me! :)

Er... not that I'll be rubbing myself on any of you guys or anything... :o :rolleyes

:lol: :lol:

um... i think you guys meant to have this in that other thread... you know, the one with gilmore and goat holding hands? ;)
That looks great!! I have to agree with you about the "real" one's paint job. Your looks real. I now know what I want mine to look like. I be saving these pics for the archives. Any chance of a tutorial?

Thanks for sharing.

That looks great!! I have to agree with you about the "real" one's paint job. Your looks real. I now know what I want mine to look like. I be saving these pics for the archives. Any chance of a tutorial?

Thanks for sharing.


actually the thought did cross my mind......??Hmmmm?? Maybe?:)

Thanks Alan, coming from you that means alot.....:o
:wacko :wacko :wacko :wacko :wacko

oh my spidey...that is just awesome!!!

are you married? :lol: :lol:

I think I'm in love!!!

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