My First Bucket


New Hunter
I wanted to show you guys the progress on my MSH2 helmet. Thanks to everyone who helped me on this project. I spent hours and hours browsing these forums for tips and tricks. Special thanks go out to Fettpride, Richies Armor, VashDstampede, and Rogue Studios . Eventually I plan on adding a motorized rangefinder and LEDs. Enjoy the pics!






Looks awesome! Nice and beat to hell like a good helmet should be lol...

The weathering seems to blend nicely, not too sharp or soft, the only thing that stands out as not being particularly like the real helmet are all the scratches, but I think it looks cool, seems to lend the helmet a metallic feel that otherwise it might not have.

Good job :)

Joining the ESB team?


journeymanprotector wrote:

Looks awesome! Nice and beat to hell like a good helmet should be lol...

The weathering seems to blend nicely, not too sharp or soft, the only thing that stands out as not being particularly like the real helmet are all the scratches, but I think it looks cool, seems to lend the helmet a metallic feel that otherwise it might not have.

I agree with Phil the scratches make it look good and beat up. Can't wait to see the rest of it!
I must is very well done, (and your 1st bucket no less!!!) Heck of a job!!! what methods did you use??? Again, its awesome :thumbsup:
Thanks for all the kind remarks on my helmet. I basically followed Rogue Studios techniques of painting the helmet chrome first. Then after adding the other colors I would scratch to reveal the chrome underneath. The big areas, though, are painted over in metallic paint. I had terrible masking issues. Tape that was barely tacked on would rip huge sections of paint on when pulled off. To try and prevent this from happening I covered the helmet with Krylon Crystal Clear. Well I guess I got a little overzealous with the Crystal Clear because after adding a generous coat the paint started to melt. I literally watched the fine scratches I had added get 2 or 3 times thicker. I fixed most of it but a lot of the scratches you see were much more fine and unnoticeable before. To finish off the bucket I added the Crystal Clear again but in very, very light coats. Thanks again for you comments!

Man o man, hubba hubba :love
That is one beautifully weathered helmet. Can you send it to me so I can take a better look, I promise I'll send it back:evil:lol:lol::lol:
Awesome job!!!

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