my ESB helmet


Active Hunter
well my ms helmet is finished. I love the look on this thing and cant wait for it to get back here! I would like to thank
Marrow Sun for making the best helmet i have ever owned
AFFO$$$$ for taking the time to make an AWSOME ESB paintjob on this bad boy
BKBT for selling me a aluminum RF stalk
(not the one on there in pics)
and TDH for enableing it to get in conntact with people like this in a conveinent way:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


prowd member of the OD clan






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Awwwwwww yeahhhh:thumbsup::thumbsup: smoooooooth bucket.

Thats the MS1 right ???
AFFOD finished mine up as well ( cool that he was working on both of ours :thumbsup:), cant wait for it to arrive.
Good Job! I cant wait to get my first Boba bucket to try out the painting thing...

-Tony Vida; TK 3204; Austin, Tx
That looks sweet!!! But why didn't you paint it yourself? I found it was great to do my own!! :)

cewl bucket for sure! :cheers

what exactly is the difference between the MS 1 en MS 2??
the price?

MS 2 is supposed to have a dome that's 2 big, but it is also very affordable right? so what made you choose the MS 1, as I figured that the MS 2 has some upgrades? (im looking to buy a new helmet myself so pm me please if you prefer that, thnx, greatsz Rick)
R_boba_fett said:
That looks sweet!!! But why didn't you paint it yourself? I found it was great to do my own!! :)

cewl bucket for sure! :cheers

what exactly is the difference between the MS 1 en MS 2??
the price?

MS 2 is supposed to have a dome that's 2 big, but it is also very affordable right? so what made you choose the MS 1, as I figured that the MS 2 has some upgrades? (im looking to buy a new helmet myself so pm me please if you prefer that, thnx, greatsz Rick)
well to make a long story short, I never quite got the look i was going for with my old helmet and my paint job. i am obsest with accuracy when it comes to this. after about 13 paintjobs on my old helmet (fiberglass helmet from starforce productions i think) it was begining to bother me. the other reason for the paintjob was the paints just arnt avaible around here.
The SFP helmet was way to small for my head so i didnt know weather to go for the MS1 or MS2 for size. I picked the MS 1 just because it was more accurite than the MS 2. i figured that i would sell it if it didnt fit. when i got the helmet it had plenty of room. with the SFP my nose stuck out a half inch, but with the MS1 my nose didnt stick out but was a half inch back from the front. i was thinking of sanding the ear down and buying the 2piece ear system from Marrow Sun but even he said it was just to risky to do that to the helmet. so thats just my veiws on the subject :D
DreadPirateRoberts said:

Who did you get your T-visor from? I need to get one ASAP

If you go to tk409's web site, he has a link on where to get the faceshield. Then you can make your own. That way you know it fits. If you q's just PM me. I have made about 4 of them. So, it is not that hard. Buy one extra in case you mess up the 1st one.
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