MLC2 arrives today


Well-Known Hunter
Here's my MLC2, just got it today
My Bobamaker Armour arrived earlier this week, Just like Christmas around here :lol: )
Should I do a progress thread?

Here it is, right out of the box

NEW JP.jpg
I've have mine since late July including all the MLC armor, and it's just so intimidating to me. I'm starting to get remotivated though, hoping to have my gauntlets finished in early Feb.
Chris here, "That Vader guy at the Victorville Christmas Parade." What was the turn-around time after you bought it? I was really thinking of buying another one for my ESB JP. BTW- YOU DID A FANTASTIC PAINT JOB ON THE ONE FOR DOWN IN FLAMES!!!!! Might have to ask if you could touch up on mine. C
Chris here, "That Vader guy at the Victorville Christmas Parade." What was the turn-around time after you bought it? I was really thinking of buying another one for my ESB JP. BTW- YOU DID A FANTASTIC PAINT JOB ON THE ONE FOR DOWN IN FLAMES!!!!! Might have to ask if you could touch up on mine. C
Hey Bro,
long wait for this JP
I paid back in Oct or Nov, went thru "Bountys Hunted", not Directly
Not sure exactly how all that works, but I got it.

Paint an ESB JP?
Sacriledge ! :lol:
PM me & we'll talk about a touch up for you :thumbsup:
"Boy, did I screw that up...I must be getting Sleeeeeepy :lol: " What I meant to say was that I already have an MLC JP (Painted ROTJ) and was going to by a new one for an ESB JP. Will be shooting you a PM in reguards to my ROTJ JP. C
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