Jet Pack Templates ***NEW UPDATED***


Active Hunter
Jetpack patterns working well

A little update - The jet pack patterns are working well. The Betas are building their packs, and the couple I've seen are turning out great.

My email:

I ALSO have complete patterns for all the rest of the armor, but I have not written any tutorials, and the gauntlets are much more complex than the jet pack in terms of the number of pieces needed. Those will be for some time in the future, but I won't send them out until I'm confident they're useable.

edit: People who already have patterns can email me if they need an updated version of the tutorial, with the Stubby modifications included now. The patterns are the same, it's just an email of the newer tutorial version that would be useful for you. Thanks to malcfett for his excellent Beta-ing.
Okay, I've got all my Betas lined up. After I get feedback about the patterns/instructions (really, I already know the patterns work since I use them), I'll make any necessary changes.
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***UPDATE 9th JAN 2004***

Im getting alot of emails and PM's about the templates ive done, im currently going to update and make them better than before.

But due to a new job ive got coming up and a desrved rest from spending a year building/finishing my own Boba Costume and other props i will be starting the new template project in Feb.

Ill post a update once its done.


I can't email them. They are too big to scan in, and they cost $$ to get them printed out. After these last few are gone, I probably won't bother with them any more. You can email me at
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well started the templates for the jet pack and should have them done by the end of the month. Using ref pics my boba model and other stuff which people have emailed.


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Good news!

Are you gonna post them/a link to them, or is it a PM/E-mail job?

If necessary I'll crawl from my house to yours over broken glass for 'em (as long as you live close, anyway).

Let us know.

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Hey Lisa, remember to have a copy available, cause I know that a lot of people will want to have one as well, probably me too. If you want to save an original and give it to someone with trust in the group or forum, that would be great. That way you won't have to deal with it anymore.
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I am almost finished my jet pack, i will have pics up soon.
I will send you templates to trace onto sintra if you like, i think my jet pack is a little large, or it might be to scale. I used 1/4"plastic,sintra,bondo,wood and PVC tubing.
It weighs between 9-10 lbs.
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For the record, I wouldn't care if someone cut out my templates, used them, then mailed them on to someone else.

I DO care if someone copies them and sells multiple copies, or heaven forbid, sell the FREE tutorial. (As some guy did on ebay recently.) :)
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ive already started the templates in 3d, then I'll convert them into 2D templates.

Below is some progress pics

heres my 3D jet pack
jet pack.jpg

boba gauntlets

and boba himself

hes then going to make them in card


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well after a few hours ive done the 2d plans and elevations of the boba jet pack on autocad so i can plot them off on the works A1 colour plotter.

jet pack.jpg

just got to do a 2d parts templates and im onto the prelim model to see what i need to correct on my the final version of the templates.


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I think ill post a hardline copy in the post as they will be on A1 size paper.
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Lookin' real sweet UKScout.

Only thing I see that needs to be changed if you're going for accuracy is that the backplate is actually curved. Other than that, I like it a LOT! :)

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Post or PM me when they're ready with details of postage costs or W.H.Y

Can't wait!

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can anyone tell me the over all sizes of the jet pack so i get the templates to the correct scale


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It would appear to be like a lot of this outfit. If it looks right and is in proportion to the wearer, then it's OK.

I have made a mock up (mockery?) of a JP body in cardboard and polystyrene. I used the visual dictionary and scaled up from there.

There's another thread discussing the measurements. Hang on...

There you go. May help a bit, but there's a wide range of opinion.

Knock yourself out. And let us know when your done.

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hi si

thanks for the info, im making a scaled down model next week from the templates i have done to get an idea of what problems will arise from the templates and what modifcations will need to be done to them

i will post some pics of the scled down version


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