how many helmets?

4 with a 5th stuck somewhere in the Atlantic.

oops, and one more that's trying to become a helmet from a lump of clay.
First a DP 97 for Boba in a mixed paint scheme, plus a DP 95 I'm reworking to cast a fiberglass Jango, and I just got my movie size fiberglass helm which will probably become an ESB. I also have my homemade Tusken mask.

tylerdurden wrote:

Secol Fett,

Your helmet is a 95 recast...;)
wow now with this news and my new TK ...well BHID i to damn happy :D :) :) :) :)

Thanks tyler again and thanks to Jedirick again ;)
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I had four Fett helmets.... Now I only have two.....

Since we are talking about other helmets...

I have....

ANH Storm trooper
C/A Vader
C/A TIE pilot
AT-AT driver
Royal Gaurd
Other helmets?

Ok, I've got an
ANH fiberglass Vader
DP Royal Guard
original '77 - '78 DP Vader salesman's sample w/ thick edge on helmet.

Non SW...

Starship Troopers M3 tactical helmet
JP Dino-wrangler hard hat (under construction :))
Coming soon: Bram Stoker's Dracula helmet

*MSH Fett helmet painted in ESB scheme
*MSH Fett helmet unpainted
*ANH Stormtrooper stunt helmet
*ROTJ Stormtrooper helmet
*Mystery Fett helmet
*Modified DP Deluxe Fett helmet
*C3PO head(for display only
*DP 95 Fett fiberglass recast

adding to my two boba helmets I also have a DP Royal Guard, DP X-wing Pilot Helmet, and a Santa Hat (only gets used this time of year)
Merry Chrimbo fellow fFetts (and Zams)

i have a 95 fiberglass recast and three 97 helmets! ohhh fiberglass hmmmmm. good fiberglass is hmmmm.
I have 2 DP 95's, A Rubies deluxe Jango, & I used to own a DP deluxe Boba. I have a fiberglass fullsize on the way. Oh & I can't forget the prize possesion..a Ben Cooper 1st issue Boba Fett costume in a STAR WARS (not Empire) box LOL!!!!!!
I have 3.. wait 5 (if you are including non Fett's) they are -

[*] Fett 96'
[*] Fett 97'
[*] Recast 95' FiberGlass Fett
[*] Canadian Kellogs CloneTrooper
[*] StormTrooper Helmet (Kit)
I have one DP '95 and two FG castings of the same helmet, but with some modifications.
One of the FG pulls is painted ROTJ.
I'm saving up to hopefully buy a more "accurate" FG helmet:D
I have a DP 96 I got at a local comic store for $49.99
Looking forward to being the proud owner of a MS fiberglass some day. :D
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