General First attempts at scrap Helmet and armor

So much work has been done since I last posted. I finished construction of the helmet and the jet pack is coming along nicely.
I am painting the helmet now which is really fun :) the entire thing is really starting to come together.
I finished up with the ear pieces (which were a b****) and coated them with polycrylic sealer. Then I assembled everything with wood glue. I decided on two major deviations from Wof templates due to my own personal preference. First: I did not cut out a slot for the key hole in the back. I decided I liked the way it looked without one and the one that I had constructed just did not look as good in my opinion. When I make my next one I may decided to do so but for my first scratch build I am just not going to do so. Second: due to time restraints and lack of materiel I chose to make my own gauntlets completely by scratch and not following the templates at all. If I had more time it is possible that I could have done a really good job on some, and I may do so in the future just to get them done. But for halloween I am just going to go with my own custom made variants.
I am going to link a bunch of photos of my progress and what the helmet looks like now. Criticism and thoughts always appreciated as usual.

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The dent looks unusually huge after the paint job. Is it supposed to be that big, or is it just the picture?

Post more, I want to see these colours =]
The dent... yeah, i made it about a quarter inch too big for my tastes, and to look perfect. But for my purposes and Halloween, being my first scratch build, I think it does not look too bad. There are about three things I know I did not do perfect, and will learn from them in the future.
Side note - My brother and I are building a vacuum forming table and will be making armor here after Halloween. If you have something you want built let me know or if you know people that want something, same deal. You can pm me or hit my email -
Here are some more pictures of the helmet with more detail painting, the kill stripes, and the rangefinder on there. the rangefinder looks a little off I know, I did not do the window and it needs to be weathered still but I just did it last night. Jetpack is still being painted. Other than that I have everything done. I will do a test run later this week and post pictures.

Colors.jpgFull boba.jpgSide boba.jpg
When you bring up the point that this is your first scratch build, I'm not too concerned about the dent. But it's good you're pulling your own critique from this.
It looks like you hand painted the colours on? I like the mandible colour you've got a lot but the dome and cheeks seems a bit to saturated. Painting techniques always will get more and more refined =]
That's all picky stuff but it looks awesome for your first scratch, no doubt.
Build looks great, it sounds like you have an AMAZING brother to help you with all that stuff and let you make a mess in his garadge every day.
I am thankful for ALL criticism. Even the unhelpful, useless, and irritating garbage that comes out of my brother's mouth. But hey good thing that guy is not on here :P no I could not have done this project at all without the tools and advice offered from my family.
Well, I could have. It would have just been more of a pain ;) I am doing a test run tonight and I will post some extensive photos of my costume. Just a heads up I really just kinda did my own thing with the gauntlets and jetpack. They are by no means accurate.
I have been lazy and swampped with work so I have not had a chance to take any pictures of my full suit. It looks good, but I am also much bigger than the original boba haha so I do not exactly look accurate.
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